Monday, 1 August 2016

Cutting the leaves

hi all

Another quick post today just while I tart up a post from Rich (no not the Saga batrep he promised, i think that's not gonna happen!).  This one is about a little top terrain tip that I got from Luke's Affordable Paint Service, no I'm not on commission but his page has got so many good ideas that I've pinched , saving myself a fortune that I can't help but share the love.....

This one is nice and simple, in Hobbycraft they have little punches shaped like a three point leaf for £1 - sweet! Simply paint loads of different autumnal colours on thick paper (I used lining paper) and punch out some scatter foliage for your bases and/or boards.  Easy peasy and cheap as chips (cheaper actually)

the leaves are the right size just need to be blended properly

Simple as that really, you can chop up some of them and crumple others but they look really effective on the boards! Rich's post on Wednesday followed by some more WIP of my pirate ship project.

hope you enjoy


  1. Why does my post need tarting up ! It was perfect when you got it.

    1. Because Blogger does weird things for no real reason and reformats stuff etc, plus you can't spell....

  2. ^^^Lol^^^

    Cracking idea and looks great. Any chance of a pic with some mini's in to see how they look together?

  3. Nice idea and what Simon says........

  4. Now they look great, would love to see a scale picture too.

  5. Cool, but scale would help pleaase7

  6. ok all of the above, thanks for the comments. I've edited the post to show the leaves on my tree base, the leaves need to be blended with it properly but the scale is fine. The Kitsune and the fox have the leaves on the base.

  7. Wow, very cool idea. I haven't seen any punches that small, but I'll be on the lookout for them now.

    1. Obviously mine was purchased in the UK from Hobbeycraft dude, but as it was manufactured in China I'm sure they're all over the place.

  8. This is so cool. I, too, will be looking out for one of these punches.

    1. I think it's cracking for a quid Bryan, needs a little finessing with the colours and blends on the board but no bigs we do that sort of stuff all the time don't we.

  9. Good idea to add more messy things on a table so it look less neat.

  10. This is a brilliant idea, I'll be keeping my eye out for one of those next time in in hobbycraft!

    Top work sir!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger, cheap and simple just like me...... ;-)

  11. What a great bit of kit; I thought I'd spotted a set of four in Poundland but they turned out to just be shapes!
    Great find dGG (not jealous at all)

    1. Not bad for a quid Joe, I'll keep refining the colours and texture of then paper but I'm really happy with the results so far

  12. absolutely top notch. You continue to impress... and you totally continue to fill us all with such inspiration. You sure lead the way, sir.

  13. Interesting idea, Andy. I would probably have used coloured paper, as the edges wouldn't show white. Just need to find one of these punches in either a bat or bird shape, add some thin black plastic and I'll have an alternative to the Zombicide Crowz on the cheap!

    1. Good idea for the coloured paper Jez, I like this little punch and the timing is good as I'm looking to rebase my trees. Good luck with the Crowz
