Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Urban Project - completed!

Hi all

ooooh yeah! after 6 months of toil I have finally completed my Urban Project whoo hoo!! Well, completed is a very strong term, just how completed remains to be seen! I mean I want to add so many things such as different types of store, a construction site and all sorts of other goodies. Still for the sake of the PAW convention that triggered the whole project, I'm gonna call it quits!

So as promised here are pictures of the final board

last but not least is a little virtual tour of the board....
Zompoc virtual tour

hope you enjoy


  1. Yes, Andy, I very much enjoy! This is an amazing set up and I applaud the amount of work put into achieving this. The end result makes it all worth it. I would love to play a game or more on your board and I'm sorry we live so far apart. Take a bow, Andy. Pure genius!

    1. Thanks Bryan, ah to play a few games of ATZ with the Master on this board - it would be awesome!

  2. Maybe because I've not followed you putting this together and so am seeing it completely fresh but I am Gobbosmacked. It's wonderful, the attention to detail is remarkable, there is so much going on excellent.
    You appear to have about 1ft square tiles with the buildings on bases sitting on top of it. Do you intend to keep the same format and therefore create road markings or will you move things around and so keep the roads 'blank' to facilitate that.
    I'm looking forward to seeing some games played on this memorable terrain.

    1. Thank you Vagabond, the build posts are all there if you want to see how I did it.
      The roads will stay blank as there are quite a few “projects” backing up in my mind, so there will be future posts on those when I’ve had a bit of a rest and come back to this, including a couple more stores, construction site, maybe a high school or something. I also need to find a way to connect it to my existing Hospital board...

  3. Congratulations on reaching the "finished" point in such fine style Andy :-)
    I see playtesting has begun in preparation for PAW, and I hope all goes well - I'm sure the board will go down a storm at the convention, and I'm pretty convinced you'll be expanding it at some point in the future!
    Very well done mate :-)

    1. Thank you for your help in supplying some of the vehicles Greg, I very much appreciate those. I’m also going to use the rule set you sent me with a couple of tweaks which went down very well with my non wargaming play testers.

  4. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace.
    Blooming good stuff and can't wait to see a couple of photos of it being used at the show.

  5. Looking awesome mate, so looking forward to seeing this in the flesh in a couple of weeks. Hope you've given yourself a huge pat on the back for all your hard work, if not I'll do it for you ! LOL

  6. As good, if not better, than I anticipated it would be - take a seat,sit back and enjoy the well deserved plaudits.

    1. Thanks Joe, don’t mind if I do.... 😉

  7. Terrific achievement, Andy. But six months... blimey I could have painted at least four Napoleonic fusiliers in that time ;-) Bravo sir, bravo :-)

    1. Hahaha as well as the many others - DW, heroclix, plague warriors.....

  8. That really turned out awesome dGG. That's a lot of time spent on this project, but certainly well worth the effort.

    1. Thanks Rod, it plays really well so I’m hoping I’ll get a lot of use postPAW out of it

  9. Impressive stuff, Andy. The 'virtual tour' was appreciated, as whilst the pictures do give a good indication of the level of work and detail that has gone into it, experiencing it as though you're actually looking at it gives a better understanding of how all the parts go together. You should be rightfully proud of your achievement.

    1. Thanks Jez, hearing my board gaming/non-wargaming play testers declare “best game ever” was definitely reward for the hardwork

  10. Awesome board! Your stuff is amazing, as always.
