Monday 14 October 2024

Separate Ways (part 3) - ATZ an English Adventure

April cautiously swung open the heavy front door of the farmhouse and stepped out into the hazy daylight. Scanning left and right and seeing nothing in the immediate area, she rushed over to the bridge and sprinted across the ancient flagstones, too keyed up to even stop and admire the beautiful medieval structure. 

April darts across the stone bridge

Safely across the far side of the bridge and away from the obvious vulnerability of the exposed structure, she slowed and nipped under the boughs of a tree, just as a dark shadow sped across the ground. High above, an enormous helicopter buzzed in a lazy circle before accelerating off north, the weirdly muted blade sounds indicating the military nature of the dangerous machine. April pressed herself against the bark of the tree, trying her best to meld with the ancient trunk in an effort to hide. Her eyes scanned for any of the government operatives or MiBs, as she had taken to calling them. 

and passing under the boughs of the tree, heads around the eccentric building

Just as an enormous helicopter buzzes overhead

Satisfied that there weren't any of the black clad spec-ops heading in her direction, she broke into a sort of crouched run toward the stilted building in front of her in the hopes of getting undercover as quickly as possible. Following the events in the farmhouse, she clasped the rubberised handle of the ASP in her right hand and gingerly opened the heavy door with a slight creak and dashed through the opening in an effort to rush anything/body lurking in the shadowy depths.

opening the door she finds...

2 MiBs!! gulp... Insight goes badly for April and she goes last in the encounter

April heard the gasp as she dove through the door and rolled across the living room floor. Ahead of her a dark clad soldier reached for a bulky yellow taser, just as his colleague reached for his own weapon. Their intention to capture and presumably 'question' the reporter was obvious as they favoured the non-lethal weapons over the more dangerous assault rifles strapped over their backs. April ducked as the twin darts of the first MiB's taser flew a hair's breadth over her right shoulder, lodging into the ancient timbers of the door. His fellow soldier cursed as he too missed his mark when she used the momentum of her duck to tuck into a forward roll, coming out of the move with a can of pepper spray in her hand. Depressing the spray she released a stream of police issued PAVA full in the face of the surprised MiB. Flailing with his hands at his burning eyes, he caught his partner off guard and managed to trip him to the floor. With a hefty swing, April drove the ASP in her other hand into the jaw of the pepper-sprayed combatant with a loud crack denoting a possibly fatal head injury. With a look of sorrow at the necessity of her actions and the tragedy of lost life, she turned to face the soldier who had been tripped by his partner, only to find that he had hit his head and neck against a heavy oak coffee table, and was currently bleeding out from a torn carotid artery. April scanned the room for anything moving and when she realised she was alone in the dusty living room, she burst into tears at the reality of the situation. 'Killing' the D-Subs was one thing but this had been a living, breathing man, with hopes and dreams and all that came with it. He might have a family waiting for him on the mainland somewhere, praying for his safe return, and knowing that one day they will receive the awful news that their loved one had been taken from them in defence of the realm (or what other lie they had been told). Instead, here they were on home soil and bleeding out while trying to capture a fellow citizen of the United kingdom of Great Britain, in order to take her to some black site and torture her. "Well, when you look at it like that..." she said to herself, her eyes drying and feeling a little better about her actions. Looking around she found some more food and added it to her pack before stripping the kevlar vest off of the smallest soldier and trying it on for size. With a few adjustments of the straps to better distribute the surprisingly heavy armour, she reached for his rifle and ammo pouches slinging them over her shoulder and then hefting his partners weapon in her hands, feeling the weight and looking at the actions of the weapon with the eye of someone who knew their way around a firearm. Better than all of that though, she spotted a map pouch on the guy bleeding out on the floor and found a (now blood spattered) map of the local area and a compass with a few areas marked with circles and crosses... interesting, the red haired reporter thought to herself.

Checking the load out she had now burdened herself with, she headed back out of the building confident that she was on the right track to her RVP with Bobby. 

April leaves, heading for the RVP

Event 1 - Ahead the 'dead' zed in front of the tavern twitches...

and comes back to life!

Moving around the back of the stilted building, she began to make her way across the courtyard, wary of the helicopter that had to be in the area or anymore of the MiBs in the vicinity. A few metres in front of her, the face down 'remains' of a D-sub twitched and unexpectedly rose up to it's feet. April lifted the heavy assault rifle to her shoulder and snatched at the trigger, firing a single shot at the approaching nightmare. The bullet flew way too high and over the head of the zed and April was forced to fend off the creature with the butt of the weapon. With a thrust she managed to knock it off it's feet to land in a heap on the floor before her. Raising the heavy gun to perform the coup de grace, she was about to slam the butt into the forehead of the prone zombie, when all hell broke loose.

April stands over the prone figure of the zed...

With a loud bark, a big brown mastiff ran toward her with it's tongue lolling from it's jaws in obvious exhaustion. Trailing behind it, in pursuit was a group of four zeds with various bite marks - from the dog it would seem. Just as she was adjusting to this new information, the strident ringing of a mobile phone began, it's piercing ring tone drawing more of the infected from the nearby locale. 

event 2 - a big dog appears followed by zeds

and they appear in front of the tavern

immediately after, event 3 - a cell phone rings!

and draws 9 zeds from behind the eccentric building...

"Ahhh shit!" the young woman had just enough time to gasp, sling the clumsy rifle and draw the more familiar ASP, before the zeds rushed up to her their blood streaked arms outstretched...

last part coming soon
hope you enjoy

Friday 11 October 2024

Separate Ways (part 2) - ATZ an English Adventure

The beautiful old farmhouse was typical of the ancient town of Sandwich, and April felt her spirits rise as she approached the  quaint wooden door, even as she felt sorrow while stepping over the ruined body of what could possibly be the former owner of the house.

With an eerily loud creak, April inched the heavy timber door open and peered into the gloomy interior of the living room. Weak light streamed through the small windows providing little illumination and leaving the majority of the room in shadows. Stepping further in, her ASP raised defensively in front of her she scanned the area, her senses screaming at her to be wary. With a slight rustle of leather on leather a dark shape rose from the sofa and into a pool of light.

using a risk/reward card reveals a Rep 3 survivor - Max!

"G'day," the figure drawled in a low whisper, his soft Australian accent causing the statement to sound almost like a question.

"Hi" April replied in a bright but clearly brittle voice, taking a step back as a rugged man in his 30's walked slowly into view. "I'm April, nice to meet you" she burbled inanely as the bizarre tableau played out.

The man dressed all in black leather, a little worse for wear naturally, was of average height and build, but somehow projected both a confidence/competence that belied his stature and in a weird duality a kindness in his eyes that comforted the nervy woman.

"Name's Max, it's a pleasure" He reached out to shake her hand automatically, almost forgetting that it held a sawn off shotgun, which he hastily pointed back down to the floor, blushing.

April was taken a little back at this contrasting and confusing man, almost disarmed by his pleasant nature and friendly tone. "What're you doing here Max?" she asked before her brain caught up with her mouth. She flinched at her unfriendly, frosty tone and softened it with one of her trademark smiles that had melted the heart of guys in the past.

"Aw nuttin really, mate. I was just heading out as it happens" Max said as he made his way to the door.

April stepped aside, relieved that he seemingly hadn't taken her comment badly, and saddened that her legendary charm with the opposite sex had apparently ran out with the ending of civilisation.

outside Matilda once again starts edging toward April

Matilda cross with herself for being so timid, strode around the side of the tavern (again!) determined to catch up with the only other human she had seen that wasn't infected. As she got close to the bridge, the door to the farmhouse was thrown open. Matilda expecting to see the flame red hair of the other lady was therefore taken back when a gruff looking male, dressed in black leather came out instead. Both humans stopped dead in their tracks, their weapons twitching in their hands. Matilda was first to  recover and flashed a shy grin at the road weary survivor. "Hey there" she shouted across the bridge and raising her hands to show that she meant no harm. "I'm Matilda, I'm human... not that the creepers aren't huma.. I mean, weren't huma.. ah i'm burbling on like a child..." she trailed off when she realised the irony of a child stating that she was acting childish. "well I'm just Matilda". She stared her shoes, cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Matilda rolls "meet and greet" and it allows the two to chat and exchange pleasantries

Matilda walks closer to Max and starts to cross the bridge

"Hey there just Matilda, I'm only Max" the Aussie retorted dryly "I'm not a creeper either" he added with a humorous but tight smile, that reassured her that he wasn't teasing the young woman. Matilda realised that this limited banter was about as friendly as the rugged man would probably ever show, but at least he wasn't fake or hiding anything more sinister. Stepping onto the bridge, she began walking toward him when she felt another shiver run down her spine, her instincts screaming that something was wrong but not from the man on the other bank. Spinning around, she scanned the immediate area but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a shrug, she carried on over the stone structure and joined Max on the far side.

the last PEF hurries along the river bank...

and reveals as...nothing!

In the farmhouse, April walked into the kitchen disappointed that the capable looking man had walked out. Focusing on her immediate problems however, she searched the cupboards and managed to scrape together some tins of salmon and some dry biscuits, which she stuffed into her bag. With that she headed up the shadowy back stairwell and onto the landing of the old building, floorboards creaking alarmingly underfoot. A quick scan in the back bedroom showed nothing of value and April was starting to think the Australian had scavenged all the useful stuff. Therefore she was a little blase when she opened the door to the master bedroom and strode confidently in.

the kitchen, unsurprisingly has some food in it

the back bedroom is empty of anything of value, however...

the master bedroom reveals two zombies!!

The creak of floorboard was the only sound as wrinkled old hands with wicked looking nails reached out toward her. Thankfully that sound was just enough to warn April of the danger and she stumbled backward, lifting her ASP and fending off the old male D-Sub in his nightclothes. A second creak indicated a second D-Sub and again the fiery journalist had to use her police baton to knock the grasping hands of the second old male in his nightwear away. The once cute matching PJ set now streaked with blood and gore was the stuff of nightmares and April backed away to give herself some space. Dropping to one knee, she thrust the heavy baton into the midsection of one of the infected and folded it over and causing it to overbalance and topple to the floor. Like an insane ballerina, she sprang up and pivoted on her left foot, driving her strong right foot onto the back of the fallen zed's head and grinding its head into the ancient wooden floor with a crack. At the same time she swung the heavy metal tipped end of the weapon into the jaw of the other zombie, shattering it's jaw and sending it flying backward to crumple against a solid looking wardrobe.

and she takes them out!

Stopping to catch her breath, she looked out of the grimy window in time to see the girl and the older man join up on the near bank by the bridge and head off down a southerly path. "Good for them" she muttered as she straightened up and headed back down the stairs, she had too much to do to run after them and daylight was burning.

coming soon part 3!

hope you enjoy


Monday 7 October 2024

Separate Ways (part 1) - ATZ an English Adventure

The morning sun was climbing higher into the sky, warming the young woman's weary body as she trudged through the light wood. April Nillson, investigative reporter and winner of various journalistic prizes was thoroughly lost... The directions provided by Andy Wosa - the hefty EMT nicknamed "Gobbo" for some inexplicable reason, were forgotten and she found herself wandering through the wooded countryside on the blighted Isle of Thanet. Hearing the rushing river just slightly north of her position, she headed in that direction, hoping to follow it to a crossing point, which she prayed was a stone bridge she vaguely remembered from Gobbo's instructions.

April advances onto the board and generates 2x zombies. One near the river and
the other near the bottom of the table edge.

The sound of the river almost drowned out the low moaning of the D-subs (zombies) that she knew had been trailing her for the last 15 minutes and were now closing in on either side of her.

April spies the river ahead

the zeds get closer as she tries to dash in between them

April, hearing the loud cracks of dead twigs and the groaning of the creatures as they crashed through the underbrush, tried to move faster but felt the strength drain from her legs as fear coursed down her spine. Slowed to a crawl, she willed herself forward, stumbling on jellied limbs through the last few trees and out toward the river bank. Across the burbling waters was a beautiful 'oldy worldy' tavern, typical of the medieval flavour of the town of Sandwich and it's surrounding hamlets. Buoyed by the sight of the buildings, that meant she was not as lost as she thought she was, she was none-the-less startled when she saw a girl crouched by the side of the tavern.

failing her citizen brown pants roll, she bursts out of the treeline near the river

across the water she spots a PEF (possible enemy force)

which turns out to be a girl... 

The girl spotted April at the same time, and with a liquid grace spun around and stood facing the journalist, pointing what looked like a pistol at her.  Raising her hands in as non-threatening pose as she could, April called out the girl who looked around 13 years old.

"Hi" she called across the waters in as kind a voice as her strung out nerves could manage. "I'm April, who are you?".

"Hi yourself, I'm Matilda." She answered, lowering the pistol when she saw that April was human, rather than one of the creepers.

"Are your parents nearby?" asked the red haired reporter, a relatively innocent question given Matilda's age. 

"Yeah, sure" she yelled back, a shadow coming over her countenance that pierced April's heart at the obvious lie. "Yup, uh huh! they're in the pub here" she gestured at the tavern, with its whimsical sign 'The Brock's Rest'. The young girl began walking toward April, intent on closing the distance when she saw a small movement by the side of the building causing a shiver to run down her spine.

A PEF moves within Matilda's LoS but turns out be nothing

That small distraction caused her to take her eyes off of April and therefore she failed to spot the zombie that came crashing through the undergrowth behind the older woman, teeth bared and hands outstretched like claws...

look behind you!!

Matilda gasped, retreating in fear as she saw the ragged figure emerge from the treeline reaching for the woman across the raging river. 

Matilda retreats behind the Tavern

April, seeing the horror spread across the girl’s face even from this distance, spun quickly on her left foot like a ballerina shaking out the policeman’s ASP as she turned. The D-Sub slowed by the thick brambles it had stumbled through, reached out with it's filthy fingers in it's efforts to bring the reporter closer into it's grasp. April took a step back and left her right foot trailing, tangling the zeds legs and causing the clumsy creature to stumble and fall. With a heavy thump of the ASP, April crushed the skull of the pitiful former resident of Thanet.

the zeds close in on April

and she deftly finishes it off

A loud crashing sound off to her left caused her to lift the bloodied ASP from the ruined head of the D-Sub at her feet and scan the area. Stumbling along the river bank, a zombie approached April dragging a bloodied shovel and bared its ragged teeth in a menacing growl.

Matilda paced back and forth, trying to pull herself together. Despite only being 13 years old, she was old beyond those meagre years and treasured her normally steely calm. Hefting the pistol she had lifted off the Russian sounding dude, who had been dragged down by a group of the creepers the day before, she rushed back around the side of the building in time to see one of the dead things bearing down on the pretty woman across the river. 

Matilda draws a bead on the zed across the river

Hurriedly, the teenager pointed the pistol at the creeper and snatched at the trigger, astonished at the kick back of the weapon. More astonishingly, the heavy grain bullet sped across the short distance to crash through the side of the shuffling infected's head, dropping it to the floor instantly.

And remarkably, drops the zed. The shots don't even draw anymore zombies into the area!

April, stood rooted to the spot as the approaching zombie's head exploded in front of her. Across the river, the girl once again faded behind the building. With a shrug and a hastily shouted thank you, she turned toward the nearest building hoping to find some supplies.

Matilda once again backs away (as an NPC she is controlled by the game)

part 2 on its way soon
hope you enjoy 

Friday 4 October 2024

Separate Ways (the set up) - ATZ an English Adventure

 Hi y'all

April Nillson, having separated from Gobbo and friends in order to meet up with her cameraman Bobby, finds herself making her way through the rural backroads of Thanet on her way to Sandwich. The old medieval town, one of the Cinque Ports, is the home to an old Roman Fort (Richborough Roman Fort) and a large industrial estate that housed some rather prominent scientific and pharmaceutical corporations, which are sheltering some shady Men in Black (as April has taken to calling them) and assortment of creepy scientist types.

Unfortunately for our star, after a good start following the directions provided by Gobbo, she is lost… Having wandered off the bridle pathway, she finds herself in a small wood that backs onto a narrow, but rapid river. The river, swollen by the “Mother of All Storms” is running high and fast and is too dangerous to try to swim. Thankfully there is a stone bridge spanning the river not too far away and April needs to cross it in order to head north (which Gobbo told her to try to do). Any zeds trying to cross the river will be dragged downstream and off the board.

There is a small hamlet consisting of two residential buildings and a old country public house (tavern) nestled among the trees, which might provide some vital supplies for April and Bobby including food and water. Below is the playing area divided into 9 sections.

April arrives in the southeast corner of the board (section 9) and is marked by the blue arrow. She must exit in the northeast corner of the board (section 3) marked by the yellow arrow. The woods in sections 8 and 9 reduce visibility as per the ATZ rules – 12” inside the woods and cannot be seen from outside if 1” or more. All 3 buildings are accessible (although not physically as they are solid…) the farmhouse in section 7 has 2 rooms per floor. The eccentric house in section 4 has a single room on the ground floor and 2 rooms upstairs. The tavern (section 2) - The Brock's Rest is a special location as I have built a floor-print for the ground floor for my Burrows and Badgers games and will use that along with some special rules, the upper floor houses 3 rooms. Each room will be searchable separately and I will be using the ATZ risk/reward cards for the searches, with any firearms being rerolled on my bespoke charts for this campaign. The bridge in section 5 is the only crossing place for the river.

There are 3x PEFs (encounters) in sections 1,2 and 3 - the red squares. One is lurking in the wood in section 1, one is in the tavern/pub in section 2 and the last is in the wood in section 3. 

April must find 2x units of food and 1x other usable supply (meds/luxury/weapon) before exiting the board in order for the scenario to be counted as a success. Any encounter that would generate the military will be represented by MiBs who will attempt to capture her and take her for questioning. Any police generated will use my bespoke chart for this campaign. Any other humans will be as per the ATZ rules (with one exception, if the Carolee card is drawn from the deck it will be replaced by a special character I’ve designed for this campaign).

After her last game, April met the conditions to try increase her Rep, and is successful going up to Rep 4, however she is still a citizen as she hasn't fought a human yet and can't be counted as a survivor. 

It's the morning of day 6 post Storm Daenerys…

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Separate Ways (intro) - ATZ an English Adventure

Hi y'all - for Zombtober (Is it still a blogger thing?) I've been playing some ATZ games. Now, all of my urban terrain boards are up stairs in the loft so I've had to kind of improvise for this little series of games.  There are quite a few posts all lined up, like a serial TV show or graphic novel series, so will be posted every couple/few days.

This is my first foray back into my post apocalypse ATZ narrative campaign set in England in over 4 and half years, so I urge you to click the link below and refresh yourself on the story so far (I had to!)

ATZ- an English adventure

Done? all caught up? Sure? good I'll think you'll find that you needed it in order to understand the following....


The concern in Astrid’s voice cut through the happy chatter between the two paramedics, reunited after parting ways days earlier at the hospital, and the portly medic turned to his daughter who was strapped into the jump seat of the speeding ambulance.

“What is it hon?” he asked from the driver’s seat.

“We need to find some over-head cover and quickly, those creepy dudes may have satellite support, and we need to deal with an urgent matter.” Astrid’s glance flicked over the other occupant of the back of the vehicle, making sure the journalist's seatbelt was still securely fastened. April Nillson, roving reporter for an underground media outlet didn’t notice and appeared not to hear the exchange as she stared out of the window, watching the Thanet countryside flash by.

“What is it hon?” Andy “Gobbo” Wosa repeated, a touch of concern creeping into his voice.

“When we’ve stopped” was all his fiery daughter replied.

Gobbo shrugged and glancing around, spotted an old dilapidated stable set back from the road. Slowing the ambulance down, he pulled onto the dusty track leading to the livery and stopped only long enough to drag the doors open and back the emergency vehicle into the gloomy interior.

“Ok Astrid, what’s so important that we had to stop right now!” the EMT asked his youngest 'child'.

“She got bit, pops! That last zed got her” with that she swung her vicious looking crossbow up to cover the older woman.

April seemed to snap out of whatever daydream/stupor she had been stuck in as the point of the xbow bolt drew level with her heart. “Oh shit” she exclaimed as she realised the dangerous turn that the journey had taken. “Wait, wait come on guys let’s not do anything hasty here” the red-headed reporter gasped.

“Show us your arm!” Astrid’s voice rose just a little as she gestured with the weapon to the affected limb.

“Sure sure, take it easy with that thing” April said in her most soothing tone. With that she pulled the shredded remains of her sleeve up to reveal her right forearm. The flesh was torn in places, long scratches ran down from elbow to wrist and blood was pooled in the furrows, covering the limb. Gobbo grimaced and grabbed the reporter’s hand to hold it still and inspect the wounds thoroughly, all the while that xbow barely moved from her centre mass. After what seemed an age, the medic grunted and let go of her hand.

“Can’t see any bite marks, just those awful scratches. What do you reckon Putters?” the older medic naturally deferring to his mentor and the 4th occupant of the ambulance. The younger clinician – Anna “Putters” Parker, took hold of the offending arm, a little more gently this time and turned it back and forth before pouring a large amount of sodium chloride solution all over the arm, irrigating the wound and cleaning the blood off, causing the young reporter to hiss with the stinging pain.  With a few dabs with some dry gauze, she finished cleaning the wounds and nodded her agreement to Gobbo. Grabbing some low adhesive dressing and bandages she began to dress the injury.

“Let’s hope its just the bites that spread the contagion” the older medic said to April. “I guess only time will tell” he added, in a fatalistic way. “In the meantime, we can’t really take the chance that you turn into one of those things when we get back to our camp, so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens?” he shrugged and looked around to see if the doors could be secured. Astrid, looking wary lowered the bow, although it stayed pointing in April’s general direction.

April considered this for a moment or two, the girl wasn’t stupid and was right to feel cautious, but the group seemed to be generally kind-hearted and would wait it out for a while to see if she turned. However, April knew that the government operatives would be conducting a proper search of the immediate area, and the group could not stay here, especially with the potentially explosive information that sat in the innocuous Tesco bag for life, nestled in the cab of the ambulance.

“You guys need to bug out, the men in black will be looking for this vehicle and won’t stop until they kill you all, and grab that bag back.” She gestured toward the airwave radio set that was attached to the partition wall between the cab and the back. “Do you have the portable versions of the airwave?” she asked, bringing out her own walkie-talkie that she had talked to her colleague Bobby on. When the medics nodded and produced the handsets from a pouch in the cab, checking the battery life as they did. The reporter grinned and grabbed the radios and set them to a channel that they had used earlier and checked to see if they were working as intended. Satisfied, she handed them back and keyed her own.

“Come in Bobby, are you receiving?” While she waited for a reply, she looked up at Gobbo and smiled. “I’ll move out and meet up with my colleague and find out what the hell is going on. We can coordinate with these things as long as they keep the same codes and if all goes well” she gestured to her injured arm and shrugged, “we can meet up later on, what do you think?”

Gobbo looked hard at the reporter, clearly concerned but realistic enough to see the sense in the plan and nodded his agreement, the other two swiftly following suit. “Sure, let’s do it.” 

It has been a long, long time since I played ATZ but I still wanted to continue this narrative rather than practicing with another group. So what I thought I would do is play a relatively simple scenario. Now April was never intended to be a main character in the campaign, instead she was to be a conduit with which to advance story lines and assist the survivors on occasion. However, I really liked how she folded into the previous scenario and the interest from commenters regarding her injury needed to be settled. So, April is now the star of her own storyline - however briefly! Splitting from our heroes, she is hoping to meet up with her cameraman colleague "Booby" Bobby McPherson outside the perimeter of the Forward Operating Base (FOB) of the mysterious operatives, so she can try and make sense of what is going on in Thanet. Before she left Gobbo and co, she made sure that they are able to communicate via the walkie talkies - piggybacking off the MiBs secure comms. With some hurried directions from Gobbo, she heads off toward Sandwich and the old Roman fort overlooking the medieval town. 

more to come soon....

hope you enjoy 


Friday 27 September 2024

The Burrows of Warren Percy - part 2

 Hi y’all

Following up from the last post, here are the rest of the buildings that I made for the “Warren Percy Affair” the two person campaign for Burrows & Badgers by Michael Lovejoy. As before I haven’t taken too many “how to” pictures, as I wasn’t blogging when I built them. And, as before here is the link for Oathsworn Miniatures, the Lovejoy's business so that you can compare my efforts to the "official" buildings and in case you want to spend your hard earned hobby tokens on some gorgeous miniatures.

this time I would use some thick card as the main body of the walls

i love the eccentricity of the architecture

this time i cheated a little bit and purchased some Sarissa Precision windows
and doors. Made of MDF they were designed for B&B and again support the 
creators of this awesome little game

more zenithal highlighting

The rear view of the "Brock's Rest" the barrels are removable but I added a
permanent log pile and other detail

The front view - this is easily my favourite build hence the massive photo dump

the ivy was scratch built from teddy bear stuffing and leaf  debris

note the different size doors to allow entry for all of Northymbria's inhabitants

Highclere Hall


Lots of photos of the Tavern - The Brock's Rest i know, but i'm really happy with the way it has come out. The other two buildings are just as pretty really but the extra details are what make the country pub type building. I also built the interior of the tavern and you'll be seeing it soon enough in one of my upcoming batreps - although it’s weirdly not a B&B batrep. My next posts will come thick and fast over the Zombtober period. This will be my first zombtober in over four years and although I won't be painting zeds or survivors (I literally don't have any...), I will be posting my first ATZ batreps in a long time, picking up where we left off with my uniquely English take on the zompoc. In order to get a headstart on catching up where we left off, click here to take you to the ATZ - an English Adventure page.

hope you enjoy


please consider spreading the word that this blog exists, I don't make any money doing it but it would be very gratifying to know that more than 4 people read (darn my ego!)