Wednesday, 23 March 2016

more Bushido terrain

Hi all

I thought I would show you some more of the terrain features I'm putting together in preparation for Bushido.  This time I've started to think about objectives for the various Factions to fight over.

The game is set in a Fantasy Fuedal Japan so I need some terrain with a Far-Eastern flavour to it. To start with then I thought I would do a Buddhist type shrine.  With this in mind I went onto eBay to see what could be found and I found this from an aquarium vendor.

In the picture above you can see I have mounted it on a piece of mdf that I had over and I've used some black foamboard  and made up some paving slabs to produce a walkway, trying to match the stones that came with the statue.

 When that was done I sprayed the whole thing matt black and repainted the statue gold but this time including the wrap so it looked more like a finished piece.  Drybrushing the slabs slate grey (thinking on it after I finished the piece, the slabs should have been a limestone colouring....d'Oh!) I also drybrushed the base with 'Vallejo' Saddle Brown.  I also started to think about what else I would need on the piece and the answer was votive candles.  To this end I sliced up a drinking straw, placing them on grease proof paper, I filled each piece with pva glue. When dried I used a hot glue gun to produce the body of the candle and the wick.  I then painted the straw silver, the candle white and the wick reds and yellows before adding some packing wool to represent smoke and voila....

With that done I drilled holes in the mdf and added some bamboo and brightly coloured bushes along with some scatter and static grass and you have......

hope you like it



  1. yes it looks very cool. A great piece

    1. Thanks man, one of many new terrain pieces I hope.....when I pull my finger out....when I get off this massive run of

  2. That is just so darned impressive.

    1. Thanks Bryan, it was relatively simple to do as well.

  3. That looks amazing dude! Great job Andy. Love the bushes, where did you get those?

    1. I got them from a Chinese company on eBay Bob, they were a just in case jobby that I bought some time ago, they just seem to fit the bill.

  4. Very, very nice that really fit the bill perfectly.

    Cheers Roger.

  5. Very, very nice, Andy. I especially like the candles. I would probably take an old toothbrush to your slabs, just to roughen them up a little and maybe put a little flock between the gaps. How big is the Buddha statue, as I could do with one too...

    1. Thanks Jez, I was going to use sand to add texture, then forgot of all things!?!

      The statue is 8cm tall, inc base
