Monday, 3 April 2017

Throwing down the gauntlet! - WiP

Hi all

Progress has been made on the challenge that Rich threw down a little while back.  My response to the challenge was documented here with the intention of doing a 7TV2e game.  I was determined to produce a visually stunning game to enhance the excellent ruleset from Crooked Dice and decided to scratch build some modular boards for TMNT.  This idea has been sitting in my head for quite some time and just needed the right stimulus to bring it to fruition.

Anyhoo,  I've started work on the tiles and have documented how I've done this in a video format. Sorry to those of you who dislike YouTube or watching these things but I have very few still photos of the build.  The link to the first video on how I have started the base tiles is below, there will follow further videos on the walls and other details, plus painting.  My apologies for me wittering on, on the video, this is still very new to me - hopefully they will get better!

modular dungeon or sewer tiles

hope you enjoy


  1. They are looking great already Andy.

    1. thanks Michael, wasn't sure about the design in the middle...

  2. Great looking start Andy, to make the polystyrene stronger as it can get damaged over time, cover it in a watered down pva mix ( 50/50) this will add strength without obscuring detail

    1. thanks Dave. I'm considering the PVA option, but a little worried about over saturation and warping, hence the thick MDF. I'm trying a different approach for the walls at the moment so will look at both options for the tiles when I get round to painting them, thanks as always for your advice, much appreciated.

  3. You're off to a flying start, Andy. Keep up the good work.

    1. thanks Bryan, as I said to Michael above, I'm not sure about the centre-piece design, honest opinion - what do you think?

    2. Personally, I like it. You should keep it.

  4. more, more, more.

    Jez just opened my eyes to the joys of Doctor Who gaming (over at his blog) with a really good AAR, just when I thought I`d N E V E R get what its all about, and I`m very much looking forward to having the same thing happen to me with turtle power as well. I will watch this space with baited breath.

    1. your wish, my command Hils ;-)

      I'm working on the walls in between writing essays and after I've got the majority of the basics done (i.e the really boring bits) I'll start work on the more detailed pieces like bridges, outflow pipes and the dungeon bits too.

  5. Great start Andy. They look the business already imho :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks mate, I hope people get some value from them

  7. Very nice - I should really get my 7TV stuff out to take it for a spin.... mind you, plenty of Bushido to get ready forts :)

    1. forts, first - what's the difference, eh? I shall now claim I meant getting forts ready for Bushido scenery....

    2. Of course you meant forts, I was thinking that myself..... ;-)

  8. You're off to a very good start omo. I look forawrd to seeing this develop

    1. Thanks Zab, I hope to get a lot done over the next couple of weeks but we'll see what real life has in store...

  9. I want to see this finished very much indeed.

    1. I'm making progress Tarot, working on the walls and painting the inlaid design tile!

  10. Liked on U Tube!

    I personally would have a different centre piece design but it is all personal choice. So I cannot fault your choice at all.

    1. Thanks Clint. Out of interest, what would be your choice?

    2. My choice would be something more Generic. By using a tenticaled face it is a bit Lovecraftian. Maybe concentric circles or Hexagons. That way they can mean anything at all both good and Bad. But I really would need a long think before a final decision.

    3. I like the concentric circles idea mate, thanks for that

  11. Only just got around to watching this Andy, so apologies for the delay. What with Steve's new introduction to his Gotham campaign taking place in a sewer and these tlles, I've now got a craving for some 'sewer tiles' myself. However, I need some undetground vaults first...

    1. No problem Jez, it should look the business when the walls get done

    2. {{I've now got a craving for some 'sewer tiles' myself}}

      I very much look forward to seeing what you do with yours Jez. Hopefully you'll post the results for all to see, like Andy odes here.

    3. Yes indeed, would love to see that

  12. Now, this one really looks interesting. I`ll be watching this space closely from no on.
