Wednesday, 2 August 2017


Hi all

It's time for some serious melee power for my snakes!! Time to welcome to da Grotto my latest recruit - Taisei.

Deep in the cold, moist temples to Orochi where the greatest nightmares lurk, Taisei waits, conserving his energy only for the bidding of the one true Kami. His physical prowess making him an impressive specimen of the Hebi, his great strength allowing him to wield the no-dachi with frightening agility, fearsome power or crushing an enemy beneath muscled coils, immobilised and helpless to the mercy of the merciless. 

Taisei is my big hitter, armed with a giant sword giving him a damage of +2 combine that with his "Hack" Ki feat - adding a further +3 dam he is gonna crunch some bones! "Grapple" can reduce dice advantage for those pesky samurai by immobilising them.

Swift of "foot" as it were, the boy-snake can move and is impossible to prone or throw  due to his inherent snakiness. "Blood of Orochi" means that he fits my favorite theme "The Blessed" and he contributes to the poison pool.

Not much more to say about his paint job, that hasn't been said in previous posts.  He fits in the theme, he looks fab and he slithers into the warband!

hope you enjoy


  1. Very nice Andy, fits in well with the rest, like me you seem to be doing the ones with the snake mutation showing, although there are some nice models without in the range as well

    1. I do prefer the Hebi Dave, I love the way they look and play and they fit my Theme so nicely. That said I do love some of the other great minis in this faction

  2. He certainly looks every inch the "big hitter!"

  3. Just imagine the reach he'd have being able to strike with that snake body and that huge sword. Kinda scary!!

    1. Indeed mate, if he reared up he would be huge!

  4. Nicely painted, lovely base, still like the lady last better though, he kinda looks like the illegitimate son of Conan and Thulsa Doom!

    Cheers Roger.

  5. Like a snakey-Conan-the-Asian-Barbarian. Bet he'll beat face on the table.

  6. superbly painted. Wow what a lovely sculpt too. fun, thematic, and nicely conducive to the game table too.

    1. He's gonna look stonking, slithering across the battlefield

  7. Your pictures show just how big that sword actually is, Andy, as the official picture makes it look much smaller. Not entirely my cup of sake, but I am intrigued enough by this faction enough to see what they all look like together, as I can imagine most of the models are somewhat larger than normal human-sized figures.

    1. Once I've painted the last two pieces Jez, I'll post a faction shot

  8. Super looking mini and excellent paint-job.

  9. Agree with the other comments superb miniature and paintjob dude. Job well done fella!
