Friday 4 October 2024

Separate Ways (the set up) - ATZ an English Adventure

 Hi y'all

April Nillson, having separated from Gobbo and friends in order to meet up with her cameraman Bobby, finds herself making her way through the rural backroads of Thanet on her way to Sandwich. The old medieval town, one of the Cinque Ports, is the home to an old Roman Fort (Richborough Roman Fort) and a large industrial estate that housed some rather prominent scientific and pharmaceutical corporations, which are sheltering some shady Men in Black (as April has taken to calling them) and assortment of creepy scientist types.

Unfortunately for our star, after a good start following the directions provided by Gobbo, she is lost… Having wandered off the bridle pathway, she finds herself in a small wood that backs onto a narrow, but rapid river. The river, swollen by the “Mother of All Storms” is running high and fast and is too dangerous to try to swim. Thankfully there is a stone bridge spanning the river not too far away and April needs to cross it in order to head north (which Gobbo told her to try to do). Any zeds trying to cross the river will be dragged downstream and off the board.

There is a small hamlet consisting of two residential buildings and a old country public house (tavern) nestled among the trees, which might provide some vital supplies for April and Bobby including food and water. Below is the playing area divided into 9 sections.

April arrives in the southeast corner of the board (section 9) and is marked by the blue arrow. She must exit in the northeast corner of the board (section 3) marked by the yellow arrow. The woods in sections 8 and 9 reduce visibility as per the ATZ rules – 12” inside the woods and cannot be seen from outside if 1” or more. All 3 buildings are accessible (although not physically as they are solid…) the farmhouse in section 7 has 2 rooms per floor. The eccentric house in section 4 has a single room on the ground floor and 2 rooms upstairs. The tavern (section 2) - The Brock's Rest is a special location as I have built a floor-print for the ground floor for my Burrows and Badgers games and will use that along with some special rules, the upper floor houses 3 rooms. Each room will be searchable separately and I will be using the ATZ risk/reward cards for the searches, with any firearms being rerolled on my bespoke charts for this campaign. The bridge in section 5 is the only crossing place for the river.

There are 3x PEFs (encounters) in sections 1,2 and 3 - the red squares. One is lurking in the wood in section 1, one is in the tavern/pub in section 2 and the last is in the wood in section 3. 

April must find 2x units of food and 1x other usable supply (meds/luxury/weapon) before exiting the board in order for the scenario to be counted as a success. Any encounter that would generate the military will be represented by MiBs who will attempt to capture her and take her for questioning. Any police generated will use my bespoke chart for this campaign. Any other humans will be as per the ATZ rules (with one exception, if the Carolee card is drawn from the deck it will be replaced by a special character I’ve designed for this campaign).

After her last game, April met the conditions to try increase her Rep, and is successful going up to Rep 4, however she is still a citizen as she hasn't fought a human yet and can't be counted as a survivor. 

It's the morning of day 6 post Storm Daenerys…

1 comment:

  1. Exciting set up Andy, very much look forward to reading how this plays out.
