Friday 11 October 2024

Separate Ways (part 2) - ATZ an English Adventure

The beautiful old farmhouse was typical of the ancient town of Sandwich, and April felt her spirits rise as she approached the  quaint wooden door, even as she felt sorrow while stepping over the ruined body of what could possibly be the former owner of the house.

With an eerily loud creak, April inched the heavy timber door open and peered into the gloomy interior of the living room. Weak light streamed through the small windows providing little illumination and leaving the majority of the room in shadows. Stepping further in, her ASP raised defensively in front of her she scanned the area, her senses screaming at her to be wary. With a slight rustle of leather on leather a dark shape rose from the sofa and into a pool of light.

using a risk/reward card reveals a Rep 3 survivor - Max!

"G'day," the figure drawled in a low whisper, his soft Australian accent causing the statement to sound almost like a question.

"Hi" April replied in a bright but clearly brittle voice, taking a step back as a rugged man in his 30's walked slowly into view. "I'm April, nice to meet you" she burbled inanely as the bizarre tableau played out.

The man dressed all in black leather, a little worse for wear naturally, was of average height and build, but somehow projected both a confidence/competence that belied his stature and in a weird duality a kindness in his eyes that comforted the nervy woman.

"Name's Max, it's a pleasure" He reached out to shake her hand automatically, almost forgetting that it held a sawn off shotgun, which he hastily pointed back down to the floor, blushing.

April was taken a little back at this contrasting and confusing man, almost disarmed by his pleasant nature and friendly tone. "What're you doing here Max?" she asked before her brain caught up with her mouth. She flinched at her unfriendly, frosty tone and softened it with one of her trademark smiles that had melted the heart of guys in the past.

"Aw nuttin really, mate. I was just heading out as it happens" Max said as he made his way to the door.

April stepped aside, relieved that he seemingly hadn't taken her comment badly, and saddened that her legendary charm with the opposite sex had apparently ran out with the ending of civilisation.

outside Matilda once again starts edging toward April

Matilda cross with herself for being so timid, strode around the side of the tavern (again!) determined to catch up with the only other human she had seen that wasn't infected. As she got close to the bridge, the door to the farmhouse was thrown open. Matilda expecting to see the flame red hair of the other lady was therefore taken back when a gruff looking male, dressed in black leather came out instead. Both humans stopped dead in their tracks, their weapons twitching in their hands. Matilda was first to  recover and flashed a shy grin at the road weary survivor. "Hey there" she shouted across the bridge and raising her hands to show that she meant no harm. "I'm Matilda, I'm human... not that the creepers aren't huma.. I mean, weren't huma.. ah i'm burbling on like a child..." she trailed off when she realised the irony of a child stating that she was acting childish. "well I'm just Matilda". She stared her shoes, cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Matilda rolls "meet and greet" and it allows the two to chat and exchange pleasantries

Matilda walks closer to Max and starts to cross the bridge

"Hey there just Matilda, I'm only Max" the Aussie retorted dryly "I'm not a creeper either" he added with a humorous but tight smile, that reassured her that he wasn't teasing the young woman. Matilda realised that this limited banter was about as friendly as the rugged man would probably ever show, but at least he wasn't fake or hiding anything more sinister. Stepping onto the bridge, she began walking toward him when she felt another shiver run down her spine, her instincts screaming that something was wrong but not from the man on the other bank. Spinning around, she scanned the immediate area but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a shrug, she carried on over the stone structure and joined Max on the far side.

the last PEF hurries along the river bank...

and reveals as...nothing!

In the farmhouse, April walked into the kitchen disappointed that the capable looking man had walked out. Focusing on her immediate problems however, she searched the cupboards and managed to scrape together some tins of salmon and some dry biscuits, which she stuffed into her bag. With that she headed up the shadowy back stairwell and onto the landing of the old building, floorboards creaking alarmingly underfoot. A quick scan in the back bedroom showed nothing of value and April was starting to think the Australian had scavenged all the useful stuff. Therefore she was a little blase when she opened the door to the master bedroom and strode confidently in.

the kitchen, unsurprisingly has some food in it

the back bedroom is empty of anything of value, however...

the master bedroom reveals two zombies!!

The creak of floorboard was the only sound as wrinkled old hands with wicked looking nails reached out toward her. Thankfully that sound was just enough to warn April of the danger and she stumbled backward, lifting her ASP and fending off the old male D-Sub in his nightclothes. A second creak indicated a second D-Sub and again the fiery journalist had to use her police baton to knock the grasping hands of the second old male in his nightwear away. The once cute matching PJ set now streaked with blood and gore was the stuff of nightmares and April backed away to give herself some space. Dropping to one knee, she thrust the heavy baton into the midsection of one of the infected and folded it over and causing it to overbalance and topple to the floor. Like an insane ballerina, she sprang up and pivoted on her left foot, driving her strong right foot onto the back of the fallen zed's head and grinding its head into the ancient wooden floor with a crack. At the same time she swung the heavy metal tipped end of the weapon into the jaw of the other zombie, shattering it's jaw and sending it flying backward to crumple against a solid looking wardrobe.

and she takes them out!

Stopping to catch her breath, she looked out of the grimy window in time to see the girl and the older man join up on the near bank by the bridge and head off down a southerly path. "Good for them" she muttered as she straightened up and headed back down the stairs, she had too much to do to run after them and daylight was burning.

coming soon part 3!

hope you enjoy


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