
Wednesday 26 October 2016


hi all

The last of my Bushido posts from the plastic minis I nabbed from Damon 'Rulez' Carlton's "Docks of Ryu" - the expansion set from GCT's successful kickstarter boxed game "Rise of the Kage".  Last pirate post at least for a while and at least until Black Friday brings some more Piratey goodness my way.  But to round out this series of minis and to give me a usable faction until reinforcements can be raised I give you the Korusea....

The Korusea make up the bulk of the veteran seaman of the Jung, skilled sailors and warriors, armed with wicked curved blades which gut a man as easily as a fish. Their secondary weapon is a web woven from light but very strong twine, used to subdue an enemy up close or at range.

another dual track model so again I painted up two!

These guys will be damned useful with their immobilise attack slowing up the enemy and making it easier for my front line fighters to pour on the pain.

and finally a group shot with the boys so far...

hope you enjoy 


  1. Nice one, and that's a cracking looking board you've got there.

    I did look into Bushido, years ago, but seemingly they've altered it a bit and expanded? I might just take a look at what the game is now like. Though I doubt I'll find players in my group, so it'll be more a case of looking and wishing.

  2. Another cracking job, I'm guessing the net slows down the opposition? Bushido has become quite the favourite at the school club so I decided to take the plunge and ordered up the Savage Wave starter set - I just love the idea of the Bakemona charging around and causing mischief!

    1. Very Gremlinesque Michael. Yes the net cause immobilized attacks. Glad to hear it has taken off.

  3. Rules are free to download Roy and there is a big and most importantly friendly community on Facebook that can help you find opponents. As for the board some of my older posts show how I built it

  4. I love the look of him and how he turned out!

    1. Thanks Fran, I may go back to them at some point and add tattoos but so much on the paint table first...

  5. A fine addition to your pirate clan, Andy. Nice looking group shot to finish off with.

    1. Thanks Bryan, I know how you appreciate a faction photo :-)

  6. I appreciate this is particularly sad, as the rest of your brushwork on the model is excellent, but I really like the effect you've created with the fishing net.

    1. not sad at all, it's nice that people can pick out a bit of detail that they like it shows they are looking at the model in detail and not a cursory glance. Thanks Simon!

  7. You are starting to have allot of Bushido miniatures now!.... Great work!

    1. Quite a bit now HW, might have to do a pic on the whole collection sometime soon!

  8. Excellent addition. Your Bushido force must be growing quite large now.

    1. I now have four playable factions, two of which are quite significant ;-) more to come soon as I'm still typing up my ATZ day one

  9. Another cracking addition to the gang! Lovely work again :)

    1. Thanks Brumm. Will have to wait for more pirates sadly but there are a couple of other faction models to come.
