
Monday 24 October 2016


hi all

sorry but it's another Bushido post for my new faction the Jung Pirates, again taken from the models the boxed game "Docks of Ryu" and expansion of the Bushido Board Game "Rise of the Kage". These games I'm sure will be showcased by Damon 'Rulez' Carlton at a later date (hopefully on this blog if I can persuade him!).

Next up is the Kohanin....

A life on the waves makes you hard, bodies muscled and lean, the sway of the ocean becomes as natural as sitting under a tree. This is the life of Kohanin, their lives before swearing loyalty to the captain forgotten. Their crimes washed away as debris from a beach at high tide. More comfortable on deck than land, they are capable sailors and fighters, turning their weapons of labour into deadly instruments of battle in an instant.

These guys were also released as metal versions following the release of the board games so I post up, as previously the GCT version and special card followed by my own.

As a dual track model I can field more than one so I painted two!  They will be my workhorses, turning Idols and completing scenario objectives.

base colours, slightly different for one of them now


highlighted, although without tattoos

I added tattoos to each of these guys to further tell them apart

you can also see the basing better on these two models

as the sun goes down they're still working hard
hope you enjoy


  1. Replies
    1. thanks Fran, I like the bases simple but effective

  2. Lovely job and as Fran says the basing just makes them that extra bit special.

  3. I do like the zone of control marked on the bases. It looks very nifty.
    All very nice figures and painted well. Who would not want them in their collection.

    1. thanks Clint, for 75p per figure tha's some value!

  4. Awesome, love the painting and basing, well done!

  5. No need to apologise it's always a joy to see you figs and scenery

    Cheers Roger.

  6. A couple of very useful characters, painted to your usual high standards.

  7. Thank you Bryan, very useful indeed

  8. The terrbile twins ? The flesh tones are superb, another labour of love I suspect.

    1. Thanks Joe, all the Bushido models get my best efforts :-)

  9. Really love these figs...great paint job and choice of colours, too.

  10. Nice work on them both. The Tattoos are excellent. Something I have struggled with on my own figures. Any chance you could do a step by step?

    1. thanks buddy, next time I do tattoos I will do a step by step for you. The key is to add a bit of the flesh colour that you have used in the tattoo ink colour.

  11. Now that's a simple but wonderful sculpt, which you have enhanced enormously my friend. Terrific stuff and certainly a mini I'll be looking for when I take the plunge. being able to field seems especially good too.

    1. thanks Simon, as you say simple but wonderful sculpt - that it is!
