
Friday 28 October 2016

Koji and his pack and Secret Santa time too

Hi all

It's the most wonderful time of the year! This is my first year participating in the Willey's from the 'Blog with no name' "Secret Santa"  project which is to purchase a gift worth £15 and send it to a fellow blogger. I have been given my blogger and I'm frantically scanning the blogosphere for inspiration, we are also asked to put up a couple of ideas for our secret Santa to consider, so here is my list. And yes I have been nice, definitely not naughty (not through lack of trying...).

To be fair my list is fairly simple.....

Anything you like!!

Told you, nice and simple :-)

Sorry, is that not helpful? Ok tbh I prefer 28mm (or 32mm for Bushido), that said Team Yankee is on my radar and I'm thinking I'm gonna go USA. I absolutely love Bushido and have Temple of Ro-Kan, Prefecture of Ryu, Cult of Yurei and Pirates of Jung factions all of which I have blogged about so you can see what I already have. Oh and I adore Hasslefree Miniatures, again I have blogged about all the ones I own.

Hope that's helpful? But as I said really, it's anything you like, I would find a place for anything ;-)

Anyway back to the post, I recently added Koji and his pack to my Temple of Ro-Kan faction.  I really liked the look of these models and couldn't resist anymore.  There is a great story on the GCT website regarding Koji and his monkeys that you can read here.

Koji has been waiting as patiently as he could for his time to protect all he holds dear. Since he turned away a lone ninja Koji has finally been allowed that chance by the temple elders. Individually Koji and his macaques would fall quickly but united they stand. The shared love and loss of Kita has cemented the bond between boy and monkeys to something akin to brotherhood, each willing to fall in place of the next.

Now none of these guys have got any real muscle individually but together they are really good, I use them to burn through my opponents activations and wearing them down in combat before a more destructive fighter can come in a deliver the coup de grace to an exhausted and surrounded enemy! Also the monkeys are great at countering the camouflage skills of ninjas and other lurkers with their ability to give sixth sense to friendlies within 2".  Because of this they will now be a really important part of my Temple warband.

As for the painting of the minis.  The bases were really important in this group as the minis are all a little small - Koji is a child and the monkeys are Macaques so I decided to pull out the stops and recreate a ruined temple for them to clamber over....

hope you enjoy


  1. Firstly I hope Santa treats you well and you get something great.

    The figures look good. It is the kind of game I want to play but doubt I will as certain club members have tried it and now moved on. But I say it again your figures look good. Very good.

    1. I'm sure he will be and I will :-)

      You should play Clint, I can't praise the game highly enough!

    2. Yeah change the pictures we want a girlie santa here now.... Don't tell the wife though!

    3. Naughty Elf .... I mean Clint!! Lol

  2. I do hope Father Christmas is kind to you this year! Love the new additions, especially those monkeys!

    1. I've been good this year Michael, so fingers crossed.

      Who doesn't love monkeys!

  3. Excellent, love the ruined temple look! Hope Santa brings you something you want!

    1. I'm sure he will, I'm pretty easy going ;-P

  4. Top notch figures and presentation, very atmospheric!

  5. Magic Monkey!! Love 'em. What a cracking collection of minis and tip-top paint-job by the Baron of "Bushido" ;-)

    1. They are rather nice Simon and so easy to paint too!

  6. What an interesting set of figures. I can well imagine them causing all sorts of mischief.

    1. It's true they do create mischief, distracting opponents and pointing out where all those damn ninja's are hiding!

  7. I keep saying it but these Bushido figs really are brilliant!

    1. They really are lovely sculpts Gordon. A bit fiddly at times but just sublime...

  8. Who's the king of the swingers then eh? (though not in the naughty sense of course!).

    Sure you'll do wonders with whatever you get from Santa.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. I look forward to my secret Santa gift and trying to do right by it!

      I'm not sure missus Gobbo would be happy to be called "queen of the swingers"

  9. That Koji and his oh so COOOOOL Koji Pack is the best I`ve seen yet for Bushido.... am in love with the whole thing and..... oh god oh god oh GOD nooooo I`m weakening. Bushido (its ALL your fault, ALL of it) is beginning to enter my brain, its whispering at nights from the dark corners of my room as a lie in my bed: "Bushido... Bushido... go on, you know you want to" Uuuuugh I cant take it. Its going on my Christmas wishlist. Damn you Andy.

    You got me and Hils clinging to each other, shaking, looking desperately into each other`s eyes. each willing the other to speak first. I THINK SHE WANTS IT AS MUCH AS I DO (but neither of us dare say it).

    1. He is soooo cool! I can now field an animal themed Temple of Ro-Kan faction, what with Koji and his pack, Aiko and her Gorilla, Master Akari and his raccoon like features, Kitsune and Kyubii - foxlike creatures! Looking forward to fielding them ;-)

      Go on, give in......


      I can't find the link to Aiko and the Gorilla, it's possible I haven't posted about them

  10. UUUUUGHHHHH no no more,, noooooo!!!!!

    Okay you WIN I`m buying it... Christmas, self present hahahahaa.

    1. Mwahahahaha my work here is nearly done.....

    2. grins* but I`m doing it the frugal route. Free PDF rules and copied stat cards (print them out cheap when over in the UK next at Hil`s parents house). Read the ruls to bits, catabolise, rewrite them to play the way I want (with solo), buy some of the choice figures/factions.. see what I already own that seems to fit nicely, and bingo! Steve`s "Cheap-ido"...... oops, I mean Bushido.

    3. It's all good matey, which ever way you do it, it's all good!

  11. hmmmm, that's not how you spell Cannibalise is it *chuckles*
