
Sunday 23 October 2016

Zombtober 2016 - week 4

Hi all

A bit of a mundane post this week for Zombtober after the fun of the first few turns of my ATZ campaign but we are now at week 4 already and five more zeds arrive for the growing horde.  Like before these are from Wargames Factory, which have now been taken over by Warlord Games and cost far more for less!!  Not my finest painting but again perfectly acceptable for a horde.

hope you enjoy


  1. More zombies is not always a good thing. But these look like they do not come from Margate as they are far too thin. But well painted and totally acceptable on a games table... what a shame it is not my games table!

    Good job but too thin for Margate.

    1. Very true Clint I obviously need a few fatties from the zombicide range perhaps to be a bit more representative

  2. Don't think mundane is the word you are looking for; cool, good, that'll do nicely are better words I think

    1. Thank you Martin, these have been sitting around too long in the queue but are uninspiring in my opinion, but they do the job for sure

  3. Some nice additions Andy, which look very appropriate on your terrific-looking gaming board. The centre female figure certainly has an element of Scooby Doo's Fred about her with their red (torn-out?) throat, white top and blue trousers :-)

    1. Are we talking a cross dressing Fred? it is a modern post apocalypse world after all!

  4. Nice job Andy they all look great dude!

  5. Lovely job Andy and great to see them on your stunning board.

  6. They add to the horde and they look good. What's not to like?

    1. I guess Bryan, the horde is growing.... slowly

  7. Whilst I'm notimpressed with what Warlords ahve done with the Wargames Factory stuff, these arestillvery good and such an improvement on the male zeds' set.
    I'd love to have all the extra sets they produce too, the bikers, special forces and their new pack of zeds but the cost is extotionate imo.

    1. Agreed Joe, no need to hike the prices per mini like they have. The male set was not as good as the female set but I was fortunate to grab them both before the change. The new biker survivors and that look amazing but you certainly have to pay for it!

    2. The Bikers box is nice and the bikes are nicely detailed, I got one some time ago, but there is some things I feel doesn't add up with the box's content.

  8. I think they look great Andy, I'd be more than happy to have them in my collection, it is a shame about the Warlords takeover and price hike. I order a set of these (the old one) last year and never got it, and now with the price rise I probably never will, shame though they are nice fig's.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. As I said to Joe, Roger I grabbed a male and female zombie set as well as the male and femal survivor sets and it has done me proud with the amount of figure I got for next to nothing.

  9. Lovely work Andy, the horde grows!

    1. It certainly does Fran, a few more to squeeze in this Zombtober

  10. Well done! Too bad we lost Wargames Factory prices, they were a good deal before the new owners... Your horde grows, can't wait to see them in your campaign reports.

    1. Was a real shame dude, bulked out an apocalypse really cheaply

  11. Nice stuff, all meat for the horde. I think I'm going to break into another WF sprue this week. I'd also missed your ATZ campaign, I always like reading those.

  12. Nice stuff, all meat for the horde. I think I'm going to break into another WF sprue this week. I'd also missed your ATZ campaign, I always like reading those.

    1. Good man I've got a few of the women to finish and then I've got the men to do!

  13. If I'm not completely mistaken those are from the Zombie Vixens box which got discontinued and got mixed in with other zombies in the new box?

    The reason why they are thine is that they are from the Z vixens box, or more correctly they were from the Z Vixens box, but they still fit in to a certain degree :)

    1. Just noticed, 4 out of the 5 zombies you painted are blondes, I wonder why that is :)

    2. Yes they're from the zombie vixens box, they've been in my painting queue for about a year!
      These zeds are for my English campaign and come from Margate hence they're mostly sporting bottle blonde dye jobs, maybe I should paint in some roots coming through? ;-)

    3. You could do that, and maybe drop in a redhead :)
