
Sunday 9 October 2016

Zombtober 2016 - week 2

Hi all

my second offering for Zombtober is of course the zeds!  I was going to finish the highlights for my camera guy but it never happened as my cat ran off with him!! Yep he survived the ZA but couldn't fend off the ravages of my little Gideon..... Thankfully he bought him back after a couple of days which is unusual for Giddy as once he takes something he disappears it quite adeptly!

Instead I started on my backlog of zombies from Wargames Factory.  Ive had these figs for over a year (pre-Warlord) so it was about time I finished assembling them and get them on the table especially in light of my upcoming ATZ campaign.

First up and finished were the Jungville High School cheer squad and a member of the swim team.  Assembly was fairly standard and I used polyfilla on the bases to "urbanize" them. Then I just painted them as a single batch.  I use the old GW "Rotting Flesh" for my zombie skin as I think it gives it that dank, mildew look.  I then wash it generously with a purple ink and then the bite marks and wounds with a red ink, they are then highlighted with "Rotting Flesh" again. I only ever do one highlight on zeds as they are designed to be in a horde so don't warrant the individual attention of survivors.  Then a generous splash of Tamiya clear red and ......

High School is Hell!!!

Emma and Jordan get all Frenemy with the cool crowd!
not my most productive week but four more zeds for the horde and my Cameraman rediscovered...phew!

hope you enjoy


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks mate, high school musical will never be the same!

  2. Fabulous progress and good to hear of the safe recovery of the cameraman - that must have been touch and go!

    1. Heart in mouth time Michael! Things disappear into the Gideon triangle and never resurface so was a result...

  3. nice - not sure if that's the right term for zombies but it seemed better that yucky

  4. Worthy additions to your zombie horde, Andy. Good to hear that you also use Tamiya Clear Red for your gore effects. There is no finer paint in my humble opinion.

    1. Tamiya is terrific for blood, a nightmare to use and clean the brushes afterwards, reminds me of the bad old enamel days.....

  5. Great figs, but for some reason you've put me right off of the "Spice girls" reunion now!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger, think I prefer zeds to the Spice Girls....

  6. A group of cheerleaders is a great idea, especially as an alternative for the lifeguard zombie. Consider this idea potentially nicked. :)

    Great stuff!

  7. Very nice dude. I haven't gotten around to zombies yet as I am working my way through lingering survivors. I must get at least one done for Zomtober just need to decide on which ones eek!

    1. Thanks mate, they all count but yeah at least one zed though ;-)

  8. Maybe not s productive as you would have liked, but far more than I've managed in the last 18 months!

    1. Real life always gets in the way Joe but enthusiasm for painting seems to go first!
