
Sunday 9 October 2016

Welcome to Gobboland!

hi all

A very quick post (I know two in one day) but I'm very excited to be part of Clint's upcoming play by blog campaign Here. A resource management game set in Klintastan during the 30's. I've never participated in one of these before and I'm really looking forward to it.  Anyway, Clint for some very good reasons has decided not to make a map and I agree with those reasons from a pure administration point of view let alone the way that a map could influence players. BUT I need something a bit visual just to solidify things in my head, this has been repeated by other participants with some lovely computer maps being produced, however I can't get my low tech brain to do that, instead I've gone a little old school and put together a map on my whiteboard in da Grotto.

This is Gobboland, a "meritocracy" where people's status is determined by their merits. It is ruled over by Warboss Nash, a less than benevolent leader whose merits include "Champion Nosepicker 1926" but more importantly "being the biggest, baddest, nastiest bastard in Gobboland!" Each territory is divided into 5 regions that produce a resource that helps them further into the game. My regions are - firstly a Fruit resource that I've decided is a wine producing region i.e a bunch of vineyards located to the south of the river "Cake'ole" called "the Neck". Secondly is a Livestock resource to the east along the "Lobe" mountain range, where folk keep goats and sheep among the foothills of the peaks and watered around "Lake Lug'ole". Third we have to the north, the "Plains of Brains" a vast grassland that produces tonnes of Grain. Next up we have more Fruit, apples and pears all grown in the orchards of the "Cheeky Valley" along the northern banks of the river and in the central region of Gobboland. Lastly we have another Livestock region and the seat of power for all Gobboland, the twin cities of "Nashtown North and South" located around the "Bay of Nostrum" the cities main source of income is fishing although trade is central to the power of the cities.

Anyway, I will update you as and when I can regarding the fortunes of Warlord Nash and Gobboland, so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoy


  1. All hail Gobboland from the realm of Franonia!

    1. All hail Franonia, peaceful (for now!) neighbour ;-)

  2. The people of Malusia seek peaceful and harmonious relations with the industrious workers of Gobboland. But don't muscle in on our cider market. "Peace and love. Peace and love"

    1. Our orchards produce apples and pears for the luxury jam market and respect all of our neighbours rights to exist (for now)

  3. The Centralandesh Security Ministry notes the need to guard our own competitors for the upcoming Nose Picking Championships, and issues a statement to the people of our nation to be on the lookout for 'Outside Influences' trying to steal our best nose picking tactics for themselves!

    The Culture and Sport Ministers of Centralandesh are now looking into where these Nose Picking Championships will next be held, and wonder if we, as a possible host nation, should place a bid to the INPCC?? [the International Nose Picking Championship Committee]

    1. The Centralandeshi people are yet to use the "over-under triple digit manoeuvre" perfected by the glorious leader of Gobboland. It should be noted that he is also the 26/27 Flatus champion reaching notoriety in the longest and loudest categories...

  4. The king of Scottlandia extends his greetings and kind wishes to the good folk of Gobboland. May your farts be long and loud!

    1. Greetings your majesty, Gobboland is honoured by your kind words and knowledge of our most honourable phrases - may your farts be long and loud too....

  5. your map is perfectly adequate, it actually looks like it could be one of mine: this is exactly what I do in my own numerous campaigns when I need some point reference to work from... if only to get my head round (some of which never see light of day and are only for my own fun).

    I like seeing this sort of thing in blogs. All too often gamers nowadays feel "oh can I use something that doesn't look perfect!" and its almost as though they need that `permission` by seeing someone else do it, that they themselves dare take that plunge.

    Good luck on the PBM. The link to it was really cool, and I will be checking Clint`s site for sure from now on. Good stuff this :))

    1. Clint's got some lovely articles to go through Steve and a thoroughly nice bloke to boot!

      Thanks mate

    2. What a nice guy me.... Phuff! Never heard so much rubbish!

  6. What I probably should do is copy all the maps into one blog post. Not that any two will fit together or overlap.

    Glad you are enjoying it so far. May that feeling continue.

    1. I love making a good map but yes I would think you would be hard pushed to link them together into something coherent...
