
Friday 1 July 2016


Hi all

following on with my mini series of models from my paint table, all this week I've been showing pics of the minis I picked up at Salute this year from Hasslefree Miniatures, not because I needed them but simply because they're excellent and I wanted them! So to finish this little run off I give you the third of my purchases - Tregar....

"Little is known of Tregar's origin, too many conflicting tales muddy the waters. Most agree that his battle against the great Hog Giant in the Swamps of Hen'Darr was one of epic proportions. Some tales include a stint as the leader of one of the roaming tribes of the Southern Steppes and others say it was as a Zuun of the Horde. Vying with the great 'Wolf' for most talked about barbarian in the realms, find any tavern favoured by the adventuring kind and you will find another story of 'Tregar the Wanderer'."

Obviously I got him for the uncanny similarities between Tregar and a certain Cimmerian.  Although I don't have a specific use for him, who doesn't need a barbarian mini at some point?  i painted him up pretty standard for a barbar, brown loin cloth, leather and a bronzed shield and hand painted shield design of a dragon's eye that I came up with and think came out well. 

That's it for this week and this series folks, no doubt these three will feature in some kind of dungeon crawl or fantasy adventure at some time, maybe even a zombie apoc cosplay group, who knows? sometimes you've just got to have the shiny miniatures and find a use for them later.....

hope you enjoy

109:68 (-41)

figs bought:painted (difference)


  1. He looks like me in my swimming trunks!!

    1. Thanks for the mental image bro - sheesh! Hahaha

    2. What an image and I've seen Ray in his budgie smugglers, great min, excellent shield!

    3. Poor Fran, no wonder you fled Dartford for the safety of Ireland

  2. Very nice job on Tregar, he looks strong and beautiful!

    1. Thanks Phil, my first Barbar after 25+ years of wargaming if you can believe it.

  3. A stunning barbarian figure. Comparisons with Conan are inevitable but most barbarians look like him anyway. I'd be tempted to use all three figures in Zombicide: Black Plague, but seeing as you don't own this fine game, I'd go with using them in ATZ, either in a fantasy setting, which would be original, or as you suggested, as contemporary cosplayers.

    1. I'm tempted to go down the complete fantasy route and be original but the prospect of cosplayers opens the door to using more of my mini collection (which isn't very mini at all!)

  4. Great looking barbarian model.... love the shield!

    1. Thanks HW, one of my better efforts I think.

  5. Great looking mini! Shield is great!

    1. Thanks Michael and thank you for commenting

  6. Terrific stuff Andy. A cracking looking barbarian, and wonderful group shot too. As Bryan says these would be ideal for "Zombicide: Black Plague" or ATZ. Great trio of postings :-)

    1. Thanks Simon, a little something different now and again from the constant Bushido - although all three posts next week will be Bushido (but they'll be good ones though!) :-)

  7. He is a pearler. Hasslefree are the best figures I've ever seen. Always bring out my best work

    1. Kev White certainly sculpts amazing minis, expensive but well worth the money imho

  8. Great panjob on both the figure and his shield,

  9. Looks set to tread the jeweled thrones of the earth under his sandaled feet. Great looking mini. Fantastic job on the shield.

    1. He certainly does Finch, a fine Barbar he is too!
