
Wednesday 29 June 2016


Hi all

Last time I posted about an excellent Hasslefree miniatures figure "Alicia" a multi-purpose adventurer, that I picked up at Salute back in April. She was awesome! And continuing on in that theme I have the amazing "Shimmer".

The blurb from Hasslefree.....

"Our cute female dark-elf Shimmer returns in a more dynamic pose. Mid-leap from a tree stump she is wielding a nice sharp sword ...perfect for chopping heads off goblins or orcs"

This is my take on her...

Shimmer is officially a half-drow elf - a half light and half dark elf, the product of an unfortunate union and raised by neither. She has survived by her wits and natural abilities, of which she has many. Lightning reflexes, superb balance and spatial awareness make her a gifted athlete which combined with her fierce drow heritage gives her a distinct advantage in combat.

I painted her in natural colours as I couldn't decide whether to paint her up dark for the drow in her or brighter colours for the light elf side. This way she is comfortable either way, also I wanted her to be more akin to one of my favourite fantasy characters, the dark elf ranger - Drizzt Do'Urden from the Forgotten Realms universe. Caught between his heritage and his natural goodness, he is spurned by both eleven kingdoms, instead seeking the company of all manner of beings.  That said I declined to go down the all white hair and black skin route of TFR's drow and gave her a white blonde look instead that way I can use her in all manner of games, in all manner of genres in a similar way to Alicia. 

That's it for now
Hope you enjoy

109:67 (-42)

figs bought:painted (difference)


  1. Another winner from the talented Kev White and a paint job to be proud of. Nice one, Andy!

  2. Not the most usable of figures imo, but you've bought out the 'action' of the sculpt with some great use of colours.

    1. The colours are mixed to taste rather than straight from the pot, which is a bit of a departure for me I must admit Joe. I think putting the minis on display on here has lifted my rather lazy style

  3. Very well sculpted and excellently painted - but not a figure I'd choose for gaming purposes.

    1. Each to their own Jez, that's what makes our hobby so special we all have a view point, we all can appreciate this might different to another's. ;-)

  4. She looks fantastic. Excellent painting mate.

  5. As others have said, that's a very nice finish. How will you use this model - is she destined for some game or is she just a one-off "because I liked it" piece?

    1. I just flat out liked her Hugh :-)

      No plan, no faction, just liked the model and had to have that shiny....haha
