
Saturday 14 December 2019

The Darkened Dream or The Ramsgate Razors...

Hi guys

I haven't decided on the name of my 3rd team for Blood Bowl, hence the title of this post. Online I have both and they are both doing well but I can't quite choose between the two...

Anyhoo, for my 3rd team I went to a 3rd party producer and got myself some Dark Elves!  Oh how I love the Delfs. I love the dark and twisted lore from the Warhammer world, I love the Malus Darkblade books, I love playing them online. What I don't love is the GW Delf team.... more specifically I mean these ones

Now don't get me wrong, GW make some pretty bloody awesome minis but I do NOT like these ones. It's the cold one skin scarfs, they leave me...well... cold. 

This is my favourite sculpt
I'm not gonna lie, these are some of the best miniatures I have ever had the pleasure to paint and I was nervous to put brush to resin, because I didn't want to bugger them up! but hell, just look at them...

Anyway, these are my Dark Elf players. Unlike my other teams i'm not going to do separate intros, instead you'll get them all in one splurge of a post, with all of the minis I have.

First up, the line elves.

The bases are made by Das modelling clay and my favourite Green Stuff World rollers and will be the surface of a custom Delf pitch, that I will build later.  The armour is a bastardisation of a paint scheme perfected by Bryan "Vampifan" on his Nemesis bugs.

Next are the Witch Elves, I love the red cloaks on these beauts.

The Blitzers, with their elaborate helms are very impressive.

The assassins are the reason I spotted this miniature range in the first place and are lush.

Onto the Runners and also the only two males in the team...

alongside their female counterparts...

and finally I couldn't resist the last miniature that they had on offer, the cheerleader

I love these minis so much and I love the way the team play, so much so that I'm taking them to a BB tournament in late January.

hope you enjoy.


  1. A great find Andy, and you've done them justice with your painting mate

  2. I used to play a Dark Elf team, Andy, so I'm very fond of them. I totally agree with you that the new GW figures are naff but those Sukkubus Studios figures are superb. A great find!

    1. a great studio Bryan. You'd love their vamps in particular!

  3. I happen to like the Dark Elf Blood Bowl Team, Andy, but I can see why you prefer the direction which you've taken, as they're very nice indeed. Great paint-jobs as always :-)

    1. The GW witch elves are lush but I'm not a fan of the cold one skin scarves mate

  4. Sukkubus do some great minis. I have their female vampire team, the `Ingrid Pitts',awaiting some paint, .

    1. they really are lovely aren't they! I must admit the vamps are on the wish list

  5. Those look brilliant. I have to paint up my own Dark Elf 7s team so might just be 'borrowing' yours and Bryan's colours. I'm another who doesn't favour the cold one skin scarves.

    I find naming teams tricky. My main 7s team are a mix of zombies and humans called Manann's Return. The idea being that they were originally a human team called The Rovers, or something, but half the team drowned in a ship wreck and then were reanimated as zombies as a cheaper option than hiring new human players. Took a few attempts to find a name - and backstory - that I was happy with.

    1. no worries Roy, borrow away! my version is very much lighter than Bryan's which is what I was going for but missed by a mile...

      I love the sound of your team mate and what a back story too

  6. Nice work on them all. I find the posing better on the newer teams but the details like you say a little off putting. I miss the look of the old school teams tbh.

    1. yeah me too, I had some 2nd ed Delfs and they were excellent but I've no idea where they are

  7. These look lovely, hope they play well for you in the tournament.

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