
Thursday 13 December 2018


Hi all

despite my post only two days ago claiming that I don't have the time to "hobby",  I have managed to scrape together a quick post.

I was asked by a club member to paint up some minis for a Dr Who RPG he's running for some of his friends in a weeks time. It was a quick commission and I was happy to help.  So here she is - Number 13.

Available from Warlord Games with the Tardis model, she was an interesting one to paint with very similar colours for the majority of the mini but with rainbow stripes to break up the monotony.

I posed her here with my own 1st Doctor and Sara Kingdom one of his companions facing those classic Daleks.  My miniatures are from Black Tree and I have quite a few sitting in the painting queue.

After taking these photos, I've realised that my backdrop is not very good for photography. Sadly I can't do anything about this at the moment, because the only reason I have managed to carve out the time to do this is because I've pulled my back, so no heavy work for me for a few days.

hope you enjoy


  1. Good to see you producing things especially considering the circumstances.

  2. Nicely done, Andy. I like Jodie's character but I just know some folk hate her. I hope your back gets better soon. I once suffered from back ache and it took me months to fully recover. people who've never suffered from it don't realise how painful or debilitating it can be.

    1. Some folk hate everything Bryan that’s the sad truth. I like the fact that the doctor has incarnated as a female, it’s about *ahem* time....

  3. Beautiful pictures, great looking minis and terrain, and courage for your back!

  4. Very nicely painted.
    Warlord's Dr Who range is gorgeous.

    1. It is Mike, unfortunately the warlords aren’t for me

  5. Hope you fell better soon mate, Great work on the Doctor and Tardis I'm sure the person at the club will be very chuffed

    1. They have made encouraging noises at the pictures, hope they like them in person

  6. Lovely stuff, Andy, you've picked out all the piping etc really well :-)

  7. No offence Andy and your painting is excellent as always, but I hope to god those Daleks Exterminate her!!!!!!!!!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Why Roger, why? She’s just a regenerated Gallifreyan going about HER business.... lol

  8. I've not watched Dr Who for years but I've seen most of this series and I quite like her and I think the support cast are pretty good as well. What does bug me is the moralising but then I am a bit on the grumpy side I suppose.
    Nice figure, the sculpt captures the Dr and well painted as always.

    1. thanks Vagabond, I like her and I really like the miniature too...

  9. I may not be a fan of the new series, but the figure does capture her look very well and is nicely painted. Shame the current series hasn't given her the chance to shine.

  10. The new model does look a bit taller than the older ones, but not impossibly so. Very nicely done!

  11. Terrific job on the 13th (unlucky for some?) Doc and her Tardis Andy mate - nice little DW diorama showing them off too. I wouldn't worry too much about a "backdrop", all attention is drawn to the minis :-)
