
Friday 1 June 2018

Video Diary project

Hi guys

you know how i'm always moaning on about how busy I am? how I can't respond to my favourite blogs or put out regular posts? (2 posts in 2 days though Andy?)

Weeeeeellll, I may have let myself in for even more..... oops!

So, you know that my board gaming group put on a convention and it went really, really well.  You also know (if you read my blog regularly) that I hosted a big zombie apocalypse game and a dungeon crawl over the two days of the weekend. Well they went down very well indeed and attracted a lot of attention over the course of the convention.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I'm rolling dice with a couple of the group when I casually remark that Flash Point: Fire & Rescue (the game we were playing) would look awesome as a 3d game..... stupid, stupid, stupid boy.....

It was agreed, that yes indeed it would look awesome....I'm so stupid.... and that it would be a really cool table at the next Uncon....for goodness sake...

Fast forward to a week ago and I'm ordering blue foam and other essential building items.....d'oh!!

and then today the stuff starts to arrive....bugger

So there we have it! I'm building a 3d board for Flash Point: Fire & Rescue for a future Uncon event.  we have one in November but it's unlikely to be ready for then, so probably April’s event. I've decided to do a video diary of the whole project and the links to the first and second episodes are below.

I’m off to have a word with myself....
hope you enjoy


  1. "Flaming eck" Andy! ;-)
    You're on fire with your projects, but "Flashpoint" seems pretty 'hot' at the moment.
    So, we're off to the flaming zoo then? This should be interesting and well worth watching -
    best of luck with the project mate, I'm sure it'll look awesome :-)

    1. thanks Greg, thankfully my mug won't be in the rest of the vids for a while.

  2. This is why you should never volunteer.

  3. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this turns out. If you build it in 28mm scale you could use it for your ATZ games as well. Food for thought?

    1. What a good idea bud. The firefighters are about 28mm, although chunkier almost Chibi style.

  4. "If you want something done then ask a busy man to do it", right?

  5. Looks like a really interesting project.

    On my blog are some pictures of a Gotham Zoo board I played some Batman games on. It’s not really the same as what you’re aiming for, but it might give you some ideas about enclosures.

    Hope it helps.

  6. This should be interesting but the big plus was watching your 1st video, over on the right was a link to Kung Fu Fighting Girls, I'm sorry to say they were much more interesting.
    Good luck with the projest.

    1. I’d be more excited by the Kung fu fighting girls too

  7. Andy you seem to suffer from the same affliction, letting my mouth say wouldn't this be cool before the brains had time to calculate how much works involved and how much you already have on the go ! LOL Should look awesome when finished mate, what's next towering inferno ! LOL

    1. Absolutely Dave. Yes the Towering Inferno was discussed but I kicked it to the long grass, never to be discussed again lol

  8. Good start Andy, and using modern technology too in order to bring it to the masses attention. Fingers crossed both the youtube clips and the project run smoothly :-)

    1. I hope so Simon, seemed like a good idea at the time!

  9. This sounds great fun Andy, I love the idea of it being set in a zoo.
