
Monday 30 January 2017

The Heavenly Dogs fly into da Grotto

Hi all

A rather odd title I'm sure you think, but there is a reason I chose such obscurity and that is to do with the new faction that has swooped into da Grotto further fueling my Bushido addiction - the Tengu Descension.

A little clarification then? Well according to Japanese folklore the translation for Tengu is literally Heavenly Dog.  I'll just be lazy and post the Wikipedia entry, which I found very interesting and provided the springboard for my research into this group of supernatural beings.

Image result for TenguTengu (天狗?, "heavenly dog") are a type of legendary creature found in Japanese folk religion and are also considered a type of Shinto god (kami) or yōkai (supernatural beings). Although they take their name from a dog-like Chinese demon (Tiangou), the tengu were originally thought to take the forms of birds of prey, and they are traditionally depicted with both human and avian characteristics. The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which today is widely considered the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.
Image result for TenguBuddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests. Tengu are associated with the ascetic practice of Shugendō, and they are usually depicted in the garb of its followers, the yamabushi.

There is loads of great stories and information held on the inter-webs regarding this fascinating group of beings, but I can't do all the heavy lifting for you so I urge you to research them yourselves, you will not regret it.  For Bushido purposes, the guys at GCT have gone down the more warrior like stories of the Tengu, how they taught martial arts to humans and even allied themselves to the human tribes that inhabit the mountains that the Tengu have made their eyrie like homes in.

Now I've already given you a teaser post regarding the giant bird-like Samurai - Buzenbo, here is the starter set that will form the core of my emerging faction.

For countless cycles the elders of the mountain have watched and waited, their quiet vigil in the high places of the world unbroken. Silently they have over seen the rise and fall of innumerable clans, the petty squabbles of mortals bare no relevance to their goal. Gifted with generations of knowledge passed down through the written teachings of the Karasu Shugenja and oral histories of the Koroko Shisai the Tengu hold the secrets of the world in the their high homes.
Now stirred into action, one can only imagine the danger that looms that has rustled the Tengu to war. 
So that's the official line here's my breakdown of the miniatures...
First we have Kotenbo
The Haiatake are the third of the warrior caste of the Tengu. Strong, loyal and fearsome fighters, dedicated to the pursuit of mastery of martial disciplines. Their traditional weapon the oversized Katana which they wield either single or double handed with equal skill.
Kotenbo will be trusted to hold the centre of the board, urging other Tengu Bushi on with his "Command" trait and then wading in with is huge katana, which when combined with his "Hack" ki feat can easily carve through the toughest of opponents.  "Battle Hardened" and "Armour (3)" will mean that he will present a real obstacle.

base colours only

Faction colours wise, I've gone for a golden yellow and black combo with the Tengu armour plates being a bronze/golden metallic colour that I made mixing GW's "mournfang brown" and "shining gold". Feathers for the birdmen are a mix of Vallejo's "Orange Brown" and "Saddle Brown".  Once all of the base colours were blocked in I rather uncharacteristically chose not to shade each individual colour with a corresponding ink shade but instead decided to wash the whole miniature in Army Painter "Strong tone".  This proved to be a daunting prospect for me, but I think it lends a natural tone to the whole range of miniatures.

Next up Tarobo..
The Blue Gale scouts are comprised of the quickest and most nimble of the Suzume. Tarobo as the fastest amongst them, ducking and dashing from combat, foes swinging at empty air as the bushi severs limbs with the Blue Gale signature short blade. Always accompanied by a number of wild hunting birds that create a network of eyes for identifying any threat and swarming to distract them.
Tarobo will almost certainly be in every warband that I put together for the Tengu as he has the ability to "Stun" an opponent each turn, is able to "Scout" meaning he deploys further up the table or he can "Flank" and deploy on a neutral table edge from the 2nd turn on (on a dice roll). Armed with a bow and the "Camouflage" trait he can sit behind cover and snipe or "Dash" forward to capture objectives.

base colours and then washed in Army Painter Strong Tone


Next we have Zenkibo...
A legend amongst the Zephyr guard, Zenkibo is a nimble and ruthless fighter. Swift on the wing and skilled in the Suzume yari, he makes a strong addition to any Tengu warband.

Zenkibo is a reasonably able fighter with "Dodge", "Armour" and "First Strike" and his ki feat "Precision Strike" he's a handful for mid and low level characters with "Fly" he can leap opponents and turn their backs to other Tengu to finish the job!

On to the Tengu's human allies from the Hill Tribes we have Talriktug...
Taliriktug is as strong and rugged as the mountains he calls home. With his ancestral axe, crafted to last generations, none can resist his wide and arcing blows, felling opponents unable to the block his furious onslaught.  

Taliriktug has a great combination of "Toughness" and "Armour" which means he will be a swine to remove off the board, add this to his offensive attributes "Cleave" and +1 damage from his enormous axe and he will be a handful.

base colours

with shade

Last but by no means least we have Nuniq....
An amazing hunter and tracker, Nuniq knows the mountains she calls home better than any other. Enemies to the tribes must tread carefully if they don’t want to lose men to the hidden traps and snares, obvious to the tribes people but undetectable to outsiders. Her eyes miss nothing, whether spotting prey, animal or human.
Nuniq offers a load of defensive and scouting goodies that should prove a handful and considering she is only 6 rice she is cheap enough to appear often in a warband.  "Snare" will haress and slow opponents down, wasting activations and disrupting my opponents plans.
so here is the finished pieces and a group shot....

So there you have it my first 5 miniatures for the Tengu Descension, I have a few more yet and there will definitely be a spending spree at Salute in April to boost their ranks.

hope you enjoy


  1. I remember the Tengu from when I played the original "Bushido" RPG. That's a great selection of figures you've got there for your starting force. Beautifully painted, Andy. I look forward to seeing more of them and their first appearance in a batrep.

    1. They're a cracking force with some interesting miniatures. They happen to be the force I use in the next YouTube video batrep, so hopefully you'll see them in action.

  2. Great job Andy, Tengu are what one of the pupils is using in our hack/slice battles. I finally managed to assemble my Bakemono at the weekend and although only undercoated I'm hoping to get them on the table this week at which point I expect to spend most of the game running away from Kotenbo!

    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing your Bakemono Michael. Darkness will help your Bakes and hinder those birds from outmanoeuvring you!

  3. I've got to say that Everything looks great!

  4. I have some Ral Partha Tengu models and have in recent years been looking for more. There is something both charming and also exciting in half man half bird creatures (demons).

    A Brilliant job painting these figures if I played this game it is a force I would be interested in.

    1. they're definitely fun to play Clint, highly mobile armoured bird warriors - what's not to like?

  5. Really nice post Andy, with plenty of background, and great painted miniatures. I'd be tempted on the Tengu if I didn't like the Ito clan so much

    1. Yeah those Snake boys and girls are lush

    2. Slowly working through my clan, but want to do some freehand on the clothing so will probably take me a while

    3. You'll have to send some pics Dave!

    4. Will do as I get them finished Andy

  6. Magnificent painting Andy, quite simply magnificent. I must confess that one of the highlights of the imminent Salute will be to meet up with you and congratulate you on your marvellous miniatures!! I really must do a "Bushido" month at some point as you really make the models come alive.

    1. I'm excited for the prospect of a Bushido month Simon! Looking to meeting you and fellow bloggers at Salute. Sir Michael has even said he'll face me over the GCT studios demo board

  7. As everyone else has said, some more beautiful miniatures Andy, I really don't know how you turn out such gorgeous stuff at such a high production rate.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Procrastination mate, instead of doing essays sadly...

  8. Wow dGG, it's impressive to see you have another faction to field. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these get into the "action".

    1. Funny you should say that Rod, I'm looking at a video batrep of the Tengu in action now, hopefully it'll be on YouTube soon...

  9. Another set of beautifully painted miniatures, Andy. You truly are an inspiration to all those who play Bushido (other Oriental Fantasy games are available). I too am looking forward to meeting you (and the Herd) at Salute. Should be a fun day!

    1. Thanks Jez, i was looking at some of the WGF samurai recently ad they were so cheap but it looks like Warlord have taken over the production so watch the prices go up. I quite fancy a mass battle "Nippon" style army I must say.

      See you at Salute
