
Monday 9 January 2017

SAGA nights

Hi all

The title says it all, doesn't it? No it's not a new service for the over 50's! It was the first meeting of the "Nerd Herd" of 2017.  We managed to persuade Chris (it literally took no persuading at all!) to come down to Kent and play some SAGA.  Hosted by Rich for the first time, we spent a very enjoyable evening playing a 2 vs 2 last man standing game with 4 points of troops each.  

Damon and I took the Scots (Damon) and Anglo-Danes (me) vs the Normans (Rich) and Vikings (Chris).  Sadly it wasn't our night as the Brits got kicked all over the park by the filthy foreigners - no I haven't turned into a Farage fanboy!  I did, however get to try out my river for the first time and it looked proper job!

hope you enjoy


  1. look's like you had fun Andy, even though you lost

    1. The term is annihilated Dave, it was more than a loss...... ;-)

      It was fun though

    2. Better luck next time, and as long as it was fun that's the main thing

  2. Although this is not my cup of tea, I can't help but be impressed by the game board and figures. I'm a firm believer that having fun is more important than winning. Even so, better luck next time.

    1. I do love to brandish a large axe now and again Bryan ;-)

      Just sometimes it's nice to do something different and SAGA is a lovely game, although I think Chris is trying to get us to another of their games with North American Indians which sounds cool

  3. Great to see the Herd in action and yes those river sections look great!

    1. It's nice to get the Herd together Michael, with Chris living so far away, it's sadly rarer than we would all like

  4. Replies
    1. It was Gordon, hoping to do it more often!

  5. Looks like a good time was had by all, and the set up looks excellent (especially the river). I haven't played SAGA in a long time.

    1. I think we did, Chris is clamouring for more which is great! SAGA is a cracking game which I play very badly...

  6. The set-up looks great (especially your river!)
    Win or losem it does sound like you had fun and I bet the crack was good too

    1. Thanks Joe, there was much mocking of Rich's "My Little Pony" riding cheese eaters which got seen off by hairy men in skirts! It was a good laugh mate that's for sure

  7. Looks like a fun time. Glad you all got to get together for a game.

    1. It's been a while Rod, with real life getting in the way a bit. Hopefully more to come in 2017

  8. What a disturbing bunch of characters you seem to have picked up at the Viking day unit. (QEQM). The one on the right seems to have that dethatched far away look we associate with habitual Prozac-Mogadon cocktail users!

    All meant in good fun and hope it made you laugh.... at least you can say they were mentioned in dispatches.

    The Saga looks good. having tried it I am not such a huge fan as I do not like troops that can forget skills between one turn and the next!

    1. He does have that rather blank stare doesn't he!

      No worries Clint, banter away old boy, I love it :-)

      SAGA is not for everyone but I like the skirmish aspect of it, plus I think the battle board makes the game interesting. I think the way of looking at the board abilities is not that they are skills to be found and forgotten but more as a concentration of will or special orders. E.g. For the Norman skill "storm of arrows" it can be interpreted as a concentration of fire rather than individual archers picking out targets, the Anglo-Dane skill "intimidation" as a deep chant, picked up by the warband as a whole etc...

  9. Not a game I've ever played though the small(ish) number of figures is appealing. looks like you had fun which is the main thing, I always tell myself that when I lose too!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. I'm so used to losing Roger that it really isn't a problem anymore.... ;-P
