
Friday 11 November 2016

Bushido Tounament

Hi all

Tomorrow is mine and Damon "Rulez" Carlton's very first Bushido Tournament.  It's being held at the Warboar Store in Bromley (about an hour's drive from my house) and is hosted by Mr Stu - a newly designated "Retainer" (Bushido expert, they have to pass a knowledge test to become one!). This is Mr Stu's second tournament and I'm stupidly excited to be attending, I haven't been to a tournament in well over a decade.

Rulez and I have been "training" for this tournament for the last 8 weeks or so, choosing our factions and the warriors within them, honing our tactics and practising the rules over and over.  

I decided pretty early on that I was going to take my Temple of Ro-Kan faction and it was just a case of picking the particular models that suited my style of play and most importantly fit my sense of aesthetic, now this may seem strange to some of the more competitive of you, but I pick most of my models because of the "fluff" and the look of the minis rather than just their combat prowess, I find that this method helps me to get into the game more and is therefore far more enjoyable for me, although I do tend to lose as many as I win as a result. 

Rulez has gone with Kaze Kage Zoku ninja faction,  this is the first faction that he bought since playing the game (he was using my Prefecture of Ryu models up until recently) and the second painted warband he has produced ever! and I must say he's done a great job of them.  He literally decided that he would use KKZ last week, having "ummed and ahhed" over the last couple of months between them and Ryu.

I will post our lists and of course the pictures of the warbands we will be taking up as well as pics from the day and a little write up about the tournament itself following the event.

Wish us luck


  1. Best of luck, can't wait to hear how you get on.

    1. Thanks Michael, I can't promise victory but I can promise pictures!!

  2. Nice one. Best of luck to you both. Will you be reading Sun Tzu before hand?

    1. Hahaha, I have actually read Sun Tzu although tbf it was quite some time ago now. I think I still have it somewhere....

      “Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood. Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain"
      Sun Tze. The Art of War

  3. I wish you and Damon all the best. I applaud you decision to choose your forces on what best fits your sense of aesthetic and not necessarily what is the most powerful. You're just the kind of opponent I'd want to game against.

    1. I'm hoping to do well, but not at all bothered if I don't Bryan, the day being played to the spirit is most important!

  4. I'm sure that win, lose or drw you'll have a great time - enjoy!

    1. Thanks Joe I had a great day, report to follow soon!

  5. All the best and most importantly, have a ball. I know you will anyway. I`m impressed how you have been practising and everything... makes the experience that much richer too I bet.

    Best of luck and let us know how you got on.

  6. Good luck with the Temple of Ro-Kan. I`m sure you`ll do well. Having fun is a given I think. Makes me wish I were there to cheer you on for the event itself.

    1. Thank you Hil, what a day I'm exhausted but it was brilliant!

  7. Sorry late to the party, hope you had a great day, looking forward to the pic's.

    Cheers Roger.
