
Sunday 2 October 2016

Zombtober 2016 week 1

Hi all

This is the first of my Zombtober additional posts, of which there will be one each Sunday for the duration of October.  For those of you who don't know what Zombtober is these are the rules taken from "Brummie's Wargaming Blog"

The rules
The rules are simple. To take part just paint one Zombie or Survivor (or more!) each week, in any scale you like, posting it to your blog by the Sunday (we use Sunday's as the end of each week). So that means one or more minis each week on or before the 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd and 30th of October. Very simple,

Last year I was able to put out a lot of zombies and survivors and it added a great deal of minis to my ATZ games.  This year my output will be markedly reduced due to pressure at work and uni but I still wanted to participate so only one or two models per week will be completed and posted about.  however all is not lost on the zombie front as I kicked off my ATZ campaign with my last post full of background that will build up to a series of games to be played over the coming months, the second part of which I will post tomorrow with some of the modifications I will be applying to the ATZ rules.

Anyway here is the first of my offerings for Zombtober, a couple of survivors - I give you Emma and Jordon. Earlier this year I went to a local show in Sittingbourne - Broadside! where I was lucky enough to meet the lovely Ray from the "Don't Throw a 1" blog and esteemed Clint "Anything But a 1" blog.  I was also lucky enough to buy some really old lead from the bring and buy section of the show.  Now I have searched for these guys on Wargames Foundry and some other sites but can't find them so if you know the manufacturer let me know.  Anyway.....

work in progress, base colours.
Both of these figs were on an integral base so i superglued them to a 25mm round and used polyfilla to "sculpt" (i use the term loosely, as this is probably the weakest part of my game!) an urban looking pattern.  I then sprayed them with a primer.  Jordan reminded me very much of a certain pneumatic "model" hence the name and the bleach blonde hair! To make her stand out I gave her a bright pink bra top and matching thong but gave her some street legit with some combat trousers. Emma is a little more sophisticated having been on a romantic date when her boyfriend was turned, dressed to kill she and armed to the teeth, this tough society girl always looks her best despite the rather boorish company she is now forced to keep!!

Sadly I didn't finish the third figure in the WIP photos but he will be highlighted this week ready for next Sundays post.

hope you enjoy


  1. Hi Andy, very nice work, both figures appear to be by Mark Copplestone, Jordan I'm not sure about but she could be from the old Grenadier future warriors line, Emma however is definitely from Marks own Copplestone Castings future wars range, I know this as she is sitting in front of me now!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger, a really nice pair to paint as it happens ;-)

  2. Terrific start Andy, and a great start to Zomtober :-) Jordan is my fave as the sculpt for some reason reminds me of when she nominated herself to be elected as a Police Crime Commissioner a few years ago; definitely a no-nonsense pose imho, and one which would give Jim Gordon a run for his money!!!

    1. Thanks Simon, she is a rather stern looking, no nonsense kinda gal ;-)

  3. Andy, I can confirm that all three figures were sculpted by Mark Copplestone. I should know as I own all three of them! My favourite out of this trio is Emma. Oh, and I can't help but admire your Bushido figures lurking in the background. That big fat dude with the Yari is superb!

    1. Thank you Bryan, all three are superb and you'll see more of the third next week when I've finished him.

      The fat dude with the Yari is a plastic Bushido figure from the GCT boxed game "Rise of the Kage" and there will be plenty of those coming up on the blog as Damon got a ton of them when he bought the game and expansion, the figures can be used in Bushido too and Damon and I worked it out each fig cost less than £1 - as Jez would say "Budgeto!"

  4. It was a pleasure to meet you at The Broadside show. Will you be going to Selwg. If so see you there.

    The figures look good and zombtober in now under way as you point out. And I wish you well for it.

    1. Pleasure was all mine mate, sadly I can't make SELWG as I'm scheduled to work :-(

  5. Babe's with guns in bikinis. I think we are never going to grow up, and I give thanks every day. Nice work

  6. Good luck with Zombtober, damn nice start!

    1. Thank you Fran, I'll try to get keep up with it!

  7. What a wonderful start, two lovely ladies to keep the undead at bay.

    1. Thank you sir, poles apart in society but equally dangerous....

  8. Brilliant first entry for Zomtober :) I can everyone has already answered the question of the figures origins. :) Copplestone stuff is great. I love there Future Wars range.

    1. I'll definitely be looking them up later!

  9. They look great. Although I'm not sure that Emma is going to qualify as a 'survivor' when winter arrives. :)

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Hobbyworker, they are rather nice:-)

  11. Good finds and very useful additions .

  12. da Gobbo Grotto did you have issues with the miniatures when you got them, I got some too but they kind of have warped guns.
