
Monday 31 October 2016

Plastic Prefecture

Hi all, happy Halloween!

Sadly I've been working over the Halloween weekend and have missed all the celebrations and have been too tired to put together a suitably Halloweeny style game (being a shift worker sucks some times!) so instead I've just got a post that was due to go out on Wednesday instead....sorry.

following on from my recent series of plastic Bushido Pirates of Jung sourced from Damon's purchase of the GCT Studios boxed game "Rise of the Kage" and its expansion set "The Docks of Ryu" I've managed to "steal" a few more of his figs for my own Bushido faction.  This time though I've taken some from the main game, they are duplicates as Damon was able to purchase not only the game but loads of additional minis (it worked out to about 75p per mini!).  As I've said in previous articles the plastic minis for the game have now been made into metal versions for Bushido - New Dawn i.e the tabletop version and although the detail is a little soft they actually look very good even alongside their metal equivalents.

First up we have Kenta Takashi from the ruling clan of Ryu

Kenta is a true samurai in every sense of the word. As a boy he knew his path, the one he has walked for many cycles in service to his family and the name Takashi. A veteran of countless battles and campaigns, he is a master swordsman, no foe able to outflank him due to practised footwork and deft movements. Many times enemies foolishly thought they had struck the killing blow but the ancestors favour Kenta amongst all others. Though quietly spoken his presence in battle banishes any fear in his troops, steeling their hearts for victory.

This is my version of him, not quite so polished as the metal version painted up by the Studio, but I'm happy with him.  I thought I would also try out the new basing idea for showing LoS in the game that I used for the Pirates.  Let me know what you think.

Next up is Iiijo Makato...

A ward is a member of a noble clan who has been taken in by another clan to be raised for a time. The practice varies, with it sometimes being undertaken voluntarily - to help prospective heirs learn the customs of other clans as part of their education. It can also be involuntarily, with the "ward" actually being a "hostage" for his or her clan's good behaviour or until a ransom is paid. Sometimes, as part of marriage alliances, one of the betrothed is taken as a ward so he or she can get to know his or her future spouse.

and my version, although he is a ward and not a member of the Takashi family, he has been equipped by them.

and finally for today we have Bachiko Takashi....

and my version of her

Use wise the two men are particularly good in combat as reflects their samurai status, heavily armoured they can go toe to toe with most opponents, with plenty of bite.  Iiito's "Inspiration" is particularly useful as it boosts other warriors around him.  Bachiko is of course still an excellent warrior but the best thing that she brings to the party is "Sixth Sense" allowing her to defeat the camouflage of the sneaky ninjas which causes a lot of trouble for most factions, this means she can act as a ninja radar!!

That's it for this time, I have some guards of Ryu and a generic Samurai to go from this set, there are of course hundreds of these figures that Damon has and I have left him to deal with them all!!  I will post them up here when I'm done but for now.

hope you enjoy


  1. I keep saying it but they really are lovely figs! Great job on them!

  2. The level of detail on plastic figures is getting better all the time and it's getting harder to tell them apart from metal figures. I would not have guessed that these three were plastic if you hadn't mentioned it. Great work, Andy.

    1. All single piece as well Bryan, GCT are so good with their minis, I look forward to very wave they release!

  3. More magic from the Bushido brush-master ;-) You really do continually make a game I've previously had little interest in, appear very tempting indeed Andy... And a HUGE CONGRATS on the win over at Vampifan's World of the Undead!! Looking forward to seeing you turn your hand to "Judge Dredd" :-)

    1. It helps with the sculpts being so good, I highly recommend the game as you well know. I think I've managed to persuade Steve and Hils, maybe a couple more delicious sculpts will turn your head (when I get some more).

      I'm soooooooo looking forward to the arrival of JD and co into da Grotto. I've dusted off my JD miniatures game and have ordered the RPG PDFs from Mongoose before the license goes.

  4. I don'the want you to think i'very been ignoring your blog, Andy, but the sheer number of posts defeated my ability to comment on all of them, so treat this as a generic response to them all.
    Loving the Bushido figures - if I can find as good a bargain as you have, I may invest in some of these figures.
    And the zombies and urvivors for Zomtober have been fun as well - I especially liked your 'alter ego'.

    1. No worries Jez, it's not compulsory ;-) Zombtober does bring out the extra posts in me...
      Rise of the Kage and its expansion Kickstarter had loads of these plastic minis as they were duplicated on the higher pledges, so I'm sure you can pick up some of those that people had spare.

  5. They look really good and wouldn't have known that they were plastic, impressive work.

    1. Thanks Michael, they're very good sculpts aren't they?

  6. Splendid. yet another very nicely painted figure.
    Personally I do not like Halloween so I would choose to work it if I could.

    1. Tbf it's not a bad time to be working night shifts Clint, a lot of fun rather than the usual bank holiday drunkeness...

  7. Wow! A whole new group (reinforcements) and what a wonderful froup hey are. You certainly have got your painting technique sorted, these look great!

    1. Thanks Joe, it helps if you really enjoy the subject matter. My painting gets a lot worse when I'm painting hordes of skaven for example.
