
Thursday 13 October 2016

Everyone needs a good 2iC

Hi all

Cracking on with the really cool Jung Pirate models I manage to "borrow" from Damon 'Rulez' Carlton's Docks of Ryu set.  They will form part of my Bushido New Dawn Jung Pirates faction. Next up is Yuji...

 All captains must have a trusted Juhin and there is none more trusted, in any port in the Gulf of the Three Brothers, than Yuji. A seasoned sailor and servant of the Jung, for many cycles he has barked the orders of his captains, the Kaizoku darting to complete his commands, an inspiration to them. Never far is his oldest friend Same, no one is able to catch Yuji napping with the old monkey around.

As before I will show you the GCT Studios version of the miniature which is cast in metal and his special card and then my version of him cast in the soft plastic that comes with the boxed game.

Next up my version...

base colours


with the final highlights

with his basing, as a command model he gets a dock too...

sorry about the poor photo
Yuji is very much a support model, with his "Inspiration" Ki feat he can motivate another model to fight harder, adding dice to their combat pool.  His "Command"trait means he can move other models in a single activation and his "Battle Stations" Ki feat also gives him the Order trait, all useful for moving lower cost models around the table easily for less activations allowing you to outmanuvere your opponent with ease.

hope you enjoy


  1. Another cracker, they look really good for son plastic.

  2. Lovely work especially the basing!

  3. Awesome job dude. You blasting through minis this week!

    1. These models are so easy to paint mate ;-)

  4. Keep them coming, Andy. You're clearly on a roll and this is yet another fantastic figure.

  5. Terrific painting, Andy. That really is a great mini and you've certainly done it justice wiv your paint-brush. Love the Battle Stations ability and your explanation of his uses, as you say, he sounds very much an enabling character for the rest of your team.

    1. Thanks Simon, he's a great character and will be a boon to the faction

  6. Beautiful work, as always mate.

    Cheers Roger.

  7. plastic huh? I KNEW there must be a reason why I collect almost exclusively in this stuff (only using metal when I absolutely HAVE no other choice). Mate I think these are some of the nicest of your Bushido minis I`ve seen yet.

    1. the plastics are really good Steve, although not hard plastic like Warlord produce they still have done a lovely job at GCT

  8. I have to admit that these plastics are very nice (as are the ones lurking in the background). I knew that the siren call of Bushido would lure you back, as it's obvious that you've invested both time and money into it. Of course, you do really need a figure to represent you in Bushido, with a suitable card...perhaps the shaven-headed martial artist from Hasslefree might work?

    1. I think you're right Jez I do need a character and card! HF martial artists are cool and he fits the bill perfectly (I presume you mean Osato?) might have to get him when he comes back in stock.... Of course if I win next year's Bushido masters (cough) the prize is to develop and see into production an official Bushido miniature for the faction that you won with, a chance to see "Master Nash" become reality??

      The plastics are nice Jez and at about 75p (is what Damon and I worked it out to be) surely fits into the Budgeto category. I may have pinched quite a few of Damon....
