
Wednesday 13 July 2016

I am the one, the only one.......Just gimme the prize!

hi all

Ok so I may have just fudged a rather excellent Queen song for the sake of a blog title but hey ho....

Anyway, at the beginning of the month the esteemed Lord Siwoc of Brain and Guts fame ran a giveaway which I was lucky enough to win (ok there was a 33% chance). The prize was a rather cool 3D printed fountain from HORIZONCREATION3D.

Well I received said prize and a little bonus from milord (Danish sweets - yum!) in the post last Friday and by Sunday it was finished! I was that happy with it literally I couldn't wait, if work and my daughter's birthday hadn't been in between it would have been done even sooner.... 

pre-primed, glued with Gorilla glue

There was some minor clean up from the 3D printing to do, loose wire and some sanding otherwise it was easy to prepare and took paint really well. A spray black primer to start followed by two coats of "cookie dough" emulsion - same as the stonework for my Bushido temple. Then I chopped up a High Elf spear shaft to produce some coins and Pva glued them to the bottom of the fountain to represent a wishing well type thing (!?) a quick coat of GW "shining gold" and then the whole thing was washed in my homemade black wash and base highlighted. A quick spray of Matt laquer and we get to

Then it's a toss up between leaving it there or adding water. After a lengthy internal debate I added the two part epoxy I used on my newest Bushido board, I only needed two tubes (although I probably could have got away with one) so it cost £2 for the whole model to look like this

Apologies for the slightly yellow cast, the epoxy does look like this before drying completely clear but I couldn't wait to take pics.....

An hour later it looks like this.  The epoxy is hard to the touch although still a bit tacky.  It was at this point i thought about using some microfilaments from a xmas decoration to in a sort of spray at the top of the fountain that the epoxy could have adhered to to make it look even better.....never mind, maybe next time.

Anyway my thanks to Lord Siwoc for the fountain it's amazing and will fit in just about every setting I can think of. Check out the Horizoncreation3d site (the link is at the beginning of the post) there is loads of great stuff on there, I particularly love the bioterrain! :-)

Hope you enjoy

Ps - sadly no sweets survived past the weekend, this blog post is dedicated to those Danish "rock candies" that sacrificed themselves for this sad, fat Englishman's pleasure...


  1. You lucky chap and what a splendid prize!

  2. Great prize and great work!

  3. It looks great. No wonder you're so pleased with it. :-)

  4. It looks great! And good to hear the sweets went down well too. Good work on it and it works well with the Bushido theme actually!

    1. It looks good doesn't it buddy? Thanks again mate :-)

  5. Fantastic work - you obviously needed the water because you've put the coins in there!

    The fountain seems to be not-circular (for the lack of better word!), is this very noticeable to you? It looks as if it only shows on some angles?

    1. You're right to a point Mathyoo, the fountain is circular but the base seems to be a series of angles rather than a smooth rounded edge. It's a nice piece, a little rough and I'm not convinced that 3D printing is ready to take on more traditional model making techniques but it is definitely coming on!

  6. One more excellent looking terrain!

  7. I really do ike this fountain and more so now seeing what you have done with it. Love the water effect, not sure about the coins.

    1. Tru Joe, I should have either gone with loads of coins or none at all!

  8. Initially looked at this post on my phone, which didn't real show of the detail very well. A nice piece of scenery with multiple uses, On a semi-related note, the buddha 'statues' you're using as objective markers look about the same size as the Bushido miniatures, if a lit larger. Would you say they were detailed enough to paint up as actual figures, say as maybe avatars of the gods, hence their larger size? Particularly well-fed monks?

    1. It is a nice piece Jez, I'll email you some pics later and you can decide about the Buddhas

  9. What a great prize.

    Would you kindly remind me of the name of the 2 part epoxy and confirm the pound shop.
    Cheers mate

    1. It is Clint.

      The epoxy is from Poundland, in their DIY section. It comes in what looks like a double syringe and is endorsed by Tommy Walsh. Prob the best bit is it comes with a really useful clamp!

  10. That's a VERY attractive piece of scenery :))

    1. It's a nice piece, it's very nice of Johnny to give it away too :-)
